Indian Civilisation: The Untold Story - Revisited | Raj Vedam | Aryan Invasion/Migration Theory
The Fascifist
Published on Aug 20, 2020
Indian history, or what we have been taught by way of history in India, has many strange
paradoxes which are hard to explain to rational, inquiring minds. At the root of these paradoxes is the Colonial Ideological Offensive, imposed by British historians steeped in Biblical tradition. These historians simply could not come to terms with an established chronology in India that pointed to a far greater antiquity than their ecclesiastical mnemonic of the destruction of the world in 3000 BC during Noah’s Flood allowed them to believe.
That the men delegated by the East India Company to write India’s history came with a bias into the discourse and introduced distortions to force fit their Biblical canons is a fact many Indians are waking up to at long last. What a majority of Indians are still not aware of, however, is that the enterprise of distortion of Indian history continues unabated in Western Academia as they strive hard to find newer paradigms to uphold the debunked Aryan Invasion/Migration Theory or AIT/AMT.
In this Sangam Talk, Dr. Raj Vedam examines the claims supporting Aryan Invasion/Migration Theory and explains how new-found evidences do not support the AIT/AMT hypothesis. Respectable disciplines like Archaeology, Genetics and Archaeo-Genetics have thrown up artefacts and evidences that point to precision-oriented human activity in different parts of India tens of thousand years ago, and in some cases hundreds of thousand years ago. Additionally, the broad consensus among scholars points to the R1a genome having originated in India and not in Central Asia. There is no evidence to support the Aryan Invasion Theory, although there is evidence to support the Out of India theory.
In addition to expounding on a series of multi-disciplinary evidences that disprove the Aryan Invasion/Migration Theory, Dr. Vedam also makes a case for taking into consideration internal, indigenous Indic references that have been ignored so far. There is a vast body of internal evidences within Indian Literary Texts and Indian Knowledge Systems like the Vedas, Puranas and Itihasas that cite Migratory, Astronomical, Environmental, Engineering and Knowledge-Transfer related references among others which prove, quite categorically, that India is a very ancient civilization with a human continuum of very great antiquity and that Indian thought and knowledge impacted the East as well as the West from ancient times.
About The Speaker :
Dr. Raj Vedam, MSEE, PhDEE, works at the confluence of applied mathematics, engineering, algorithms, and computer science. Using tools of Archeo-Genetics, archeo- astronomy and archaeology, and evidence of knowledge transfers from ancient India, the speaker has put forward a strong thesis with verifiable facts, on the antiquity of the Indian Civilisation, and the many discoveries made my the ancients. Dr. Raj Vedam is a co-founder of the think-tank, Indian History Awareness and Research, and resides in Houston, Texas.
He can be reached at rajvedam[at]yahoo[dot]com and on Facebook at
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