Al Shabaab and the Rise of Jihad in Kenya

Published on Apr 29, 2021
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A series of bloody attacks has rocked Kenya since the September 2013 Westgate mall massacre in Nairobi that left 67 people dead. Curiously, some recent victims in these attacks have been Muslim sheiks that were associated with al Shabaab, the jihadi group that took credit for the deadly Westgate attack. Even more curiously, all of the high-profile sheik murders have taken place in the same area in Mombasa, Kenya's second largest city.

VICE News headed to Mombasa to speak with Abubaker Shariff Ahmed, the highest profile radical sheik in Kenya, before he was assassinated in April, and to get a close-up view of those living and dying in the crosshairs of a holy war being fought on Kenya's streets.

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