Published on Oct 26, 2022
☩ From very genesis our ancestors have been in carnal and spiritual fight. The enemy has been always the same, but with different masks and iteration. The enemy's goal has been always the same, the pollution and eradication of White, European, Caucasian, Aryan blood and spirit.
What was dubbed as the white flight is not foreign to our ancestors, and has occurred on massive levels. They have lived allover the world, in Americas, European Mediterranean Coasts, North Africa, Levant and The Orientals.
The more modernized our world has gotten, the less effective our flights have become. We are coming to a culmination to where we'll no longer be able to avoid our enemy... ☩
-Not sure whom was the original creator of this clip was, added my own small touches to it.
Adolf Hitler The Greatest Story Never Told (Full Video)
Please watch two other very important documentaries below;
Europa: The Last Battle (Full Video)
Hellstorm The Ruthless Slaughter of The Germans (Full Video)