Sideeffects are the intended Effects
Published on Feb 13, 2021
they are:
Death, severe Neurological damages, Infertility
please also research Cryogenetics
which was predicted in "Futurama", see the thumbnail
defend yourself probably like this
In case you get forcefully injected consider hard amounts of Vit C, if you can inject it or know somebody who can then do that near the enforced injection and you continue with oral intake. If you get forcefully "tested": fill your nose before being "tested" with zinc or other cremes , the cremes must be pretty thick (PenatenCreme) so that no Nanoparticles can easily get through your brainbarrier into your brain. You can also use Saline solution and clean your nose-mouth circle with it. In case you are couraged use also anorganic (yes anorganic) sulfur, it will clean out that area pretty sudden and make you tearfully cry, it is not painful though. You need to clean the shit out of you. This are my suggestions from own experiences and no medical advices. So you must respond things by your own.
Avoid the Health System and starve the so called Schoolmedicin to death. You will see the Doctors coming out of their corners and suddenly turn into natural "whitches" how they used to call us before they killed us (nicely burning us) in Europe to take over. Noop they did not burn off the Jews but the heathens and their midwives of the tribes and especially in Germany.
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