Spike Protein Gets In The Blood of Vaccinated Individuals (Firm Data From A Stanford Study)

Published on Mar 18, 2022
Spike Protein Gets In The Blood of Vaccinated Individuals (Firm Data From A Stanford Study)

Pfizer-BionTech vaccinated individuals showed a level of spike protein in the blood that was similar to the amount of spike protein in the blood of an acute COVID patient. This level stayed high for 2 days in 96% of the individuals.

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Author's highlights:
Vaccination confers broader IgG binding of variant RBDs than SARS-CoV-2 infection
Imprinting from initial antigen exposures alters IgG responses to viral variants
Histology of mRNA vaccinee lymph nodes shows abundant GCs
Vaccine spike antigen and mRNA persist for weeks in lymph node GCs

Study highlights for the spike protein in the blood:

Important points:
This study is to understand the effect of the booster dose. Authors concluded that the immunity generated by the vaccine is better than the infection.
It is an interesting and a thorough study where researchers observed antibodies to vaccine or infection and their levels in plasma and saliva. Authors noted the levels of IgM, IgG, and IgA.
In this process, they observed and documented something that is of interest to me. It is the spike proteins from vaccine in the blood, and the duration it lives in the blood.

Spike protein in the blood and lymph nodes:
In the lymphnodes the Spike Proteins are found up to 8 weeks after the vaccination.

At least some portion of the antigen produced by the vaccine is distributed in the blood. What proportion from the whole volume is not known. However, the amount distributed to the blood is very similar to the amount observed after an acute COVID infection. As a reminder a study showed the amount of spike in the blood of acute COVID patients to be 70 pg/mL.

Days 1-2 after vaccine: 96% of the vaccinees had spike proteins in the plasma. Median spike concentration was 47 pg/mL. Levels reached as high as 174 pg/mL in some vaccinees. And, a small number of individuals had the spike protein levels in the blood in ng/mL. (Thousands of times more than the acute COVID)
Day 7 after vaccine: 63% of vaccinees had spike proteins in the plasma. Median spike concentration was 1.7 pg/mL.
21 Days after the booster: spike concentration was reduced in the plasma. Reason was that the previously trained immune system produced antibodies. These antibodies attached to the new spike in the blood. Forming complexes. This binding eliminated the chances of the spikes to bind with the test kit. Hence, the test kit showed no spikes. These complexes can be dangerous as well.
Authors proved this hypothesis by adding spike proteins in the plasma in high concentrations and observe their levels.
Due to the antigen-antibody complex formations, the spike detection in the plasma is impeded after the second dose.

Authors found that the Pfizer-BionTech vaccine generates IgG in as high levels as acute COVID disease. With a similar time course.
We will discuss the antibody responses in another talk. Here we will continue to observe the spike protein's levels in the blood.

Figure 7 J, K, and L diagrams are important.

URL list from Wednesday, Mar. 16 2022

DrBeen: Continuing Medical Education Online | USMLE Prep | CME and CE marketplace | Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant Training Programs | Medical Student Training

Immune imprinting, breadth of variant recognition, and germinal center response in human SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination - ScienceDirect

Ultra-Sensitive Serial Profiling of SARS-CoV-2 Antigens and Antibodies in Plasma to Understand Disease Progression in COVID-19 Patients with Severe Disease | Clinical Chemistry | Oxford Academic

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