Norwegian Rape-victim: "I Don't Feel Safe in My Own Country"

Published on Sep 18, 2022
Various News-reports - Transcript:
The past 5 years, all assault-rapes |were committed by men of foreign origin
In all cases with any visual identification, that is.
-It will never be as it once was
I am terrified.
Locked in her own apartment, |she never opens a window
rarely goes out the door.
- I would not want anybody to live the life I have now.
She makes paintings and struggles with her misery in the dark.
Irene was beaten up and raped in her own living room.
but the rapist has still not been caught.
Now he is also charged with five other rapes.
-They had him in for questioning,| why was he not put in custody?
There are times where I think I see him.
I get scared, panic attacks... |I think I am gonna die.
It will probably get a little bit better
But I have no justice, no safety.
I don't feel safe in my own country, |in my own apartment.
I am not sure that will ever change.
If they had locked him up, I would atleast| have felt some kind of "victory"
Pimping, human trafficking, rape,| rape, trafficking, bodily harm,
trafficking, rape, rape, rape, rape,| blah blah — it's "long as an evil year".
The main reason for my frustration is| that I can't go out and catch them
Due to lack of resources.
It is not a priority within the police.
I have to sit and watch this list grow| with a thousand people every year.
They are not allowing us to catch them,| damn it!
This girl was raped by a man of pakistani origin.
She is a Norwegian as are almost| all victims of assault-rapes.
He said that, he had the right to do| whatever he wants to women
Why? - Because that was| the way it was in his religion
Women did not have rights.
They had no say, he was in charge.
20 years ago we had 12 policemen| only doing what I do now.
If you were wanted by the police in Oslo, |you were caught immediately.
The number of criminals on the loose has exploded.
Many are suspected or convicted of violence,| rape, drugs, and even homicide.


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