AlexOnLife - The History Lesson You Never Got ( mirrored from Marko Petek Quintillus Channel on Bitchute) Credits for this EXCELLENT TREU piece of History to ofcourse: Alex-on-Life
Published on Feb 2, 2022
On the menu:
- Jews in Poland, Ukraine and Russia in 1800s,
- Irish genocide, Rothschilds in power in Great Britain,
- Boer war between GB and SA, Diamonds,
- Armenian genocide, The Young Turks,
- World War 1 fermented a long time before,
- Russian revolution, NKVD, Cheka,
- Ukrainian genocide (Holodomor),
- World War 2 fermented a long time before,
- occupation of Palestine and establishment of Israel, Mossad,
- Hungarian uprising, KGB,
- Dostoevsky's prophetic speculation in 1880s.
( mirrored from Marko Petek Quintillus Channel on Bitchute) Credits for this EXCELLENT TRUE piece of History to ofcourse: Alex-on-Life!)
My remarks:
- This is Common knowledge ( ONLY spoken OF indoors IN the Family ONLY, with true friends indoors ONLY) in ALL former East-block countries except Russia!!!
- This is why Vladimir Putin is nothing but a Lubavitch-Khazar-Puppet ( they call themselfes ' Jews' which they are NOT)
- This is why Putin is anything BUT a nationalist, if there would be 1 People on earth justified to genocide anyone who dare call himself ' Jew' it would be the russians, any Legit President would Nuke Israel in a Heartbeat NOT giving a F about the JewSa better yet: he would take out Jew York on the way
- DO CONSIDER: thousands of Gulags still NOT accounted for, revisionized estimate of russians slaughtered mostly in the most satanic way: 128 million and counting ( including Holodomor)
- This is why every year on Victory Day over ' Nazi' Germany you see millions of russians with Foto's of their diseased loved-ones contributed to the Nazi's TO COVER UP for the Jewish-Bolsjewic-ONSLAUGHT
- This is what will come to the Illegal Zionist-Khazar State called the U.S.A. should it's people NOT take up their 2nd Amendment, where warcriminals are called ' Veterans', 700-800K Children go missing every year and nobody gives a F, the most degenerate White Trash Filth State on Earth making even the Weimar-Republic go blushing.
- For it always WAS, always IS and always WILL BE Europa the Last Battle.
- Why? The Connection to the Land!!! Whitey don't you ever even dare to turn your back on your native lands WHICH ONLY IS EUROPE
- Really? By genociding the native americans, not even 250 years old some sloppy 10 generations you are entitled to the land?
- Think about it: they rather go after the U.S.A. then Iran? Wowww ( Cradle of the Aryan People)
- in closing: through History ' Jews' always slaughtered their used-up operatives first before taking the next Level, and that's YOU JewSA!!!