DeBlondeGermaan followers 2 Your Subscription DeBlondeGermaan - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1150 days ago18:06 deBlondeGermaan has uploaded a video This is What Democracy Looks Like: Brussels, Belgium (Today) Mirrored from Bitchute Channel Plazma Belgium: Population 12 million, Size? it fits 300 times in the JewSA, fun fact...same size as Crimea which Putin took back. Now Imagine them having a 2nd amendment and some nice ak47's Trust me NO need for flyers there. True...Chaos and anarchy ARE the tools of the Jew..Antifa + BLM all the way but... 1150 days ago13:46 deBlondeGermaan has uploaded a video AlexOnLife - The History Lesson You Never Got ( mirrored from Marko... On the menu: - Jews in Poland, Ukraine and Russia in 1800s, - Irish genocide, Rothschilds in power in Great Britain, - Boer war between GB and SA, Diamonds, - Armenian genocide, The Young Turks, - World War 1 fermented a long time before, - Russian revolution, NKVD, Cheka, - Ukrainian genocide (Holodomor), - World War 2 fermented a long ...