Led Zeppelin III #6 Gallows Pole (backward lyrics in red)
Published on Mar 17, 2025
Led Zeppelin - Full album playlists - Backward (with lyrics in red)
I [1969] - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpyjOjrwBoznLaPJ_6btkZkcnnJjx31Vi
II [1969] - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpyjOjrwBozl_d0JrfQc7Bw-KgDKIb0C_
III [1970] - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpyjOjrwBozkkhzbfn-ouTGwSg2XmZeSO
IV [1971] - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpyjOjrwBozkdbQ92sRGZq8d12uD3H0ry
Houses Of The Holy [1973] - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpyjOjrwBozmLGxb7soFF8ABG41NGWJHo
Led Zeppelin - Full album playlists - Forward (with lyrics in green)
I [1969] - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpyjOjrwBozm2EjTPVGS_3L5USpFET3oa
II [1969] - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpyjOjrwBoznblcUZdfpSf5uIcMqgkscS
III [1970] - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpyjOjrwBozmUm2HlXTXfU0UytF5oaZWN
IV [1971] - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpyjOjrwBozlH4UeuP41cawGlFZROODsX
Houses Of The Holy [1973] - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpyjOjrwBozku8dwbxc6gBzUeFViEZ-sS
Misc Forward/Backward with Lyrics
Halestorm - Breaking the Silence [2001] Forward/Backward with Lyrics - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpyjOjrwBozltAAT5ysxkZygfRTZabyjm
Misc Reverse Audio
Black Sabbath - Paranoid [1970] - War Pigs - Reverse Audio - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYXOk5fVLw4
Ozzy Osbourne - Blizzard of Ozz [1980] - Mr. Crowley - Reverse Audio - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7HLN9VV6w4
Audioslave - Audioslave [2002] Full album playlist - Reverse Audio - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpyjOjrwBoznc1HlL52DCK2SkNxOO3Ug6
The Beatles - The White Album [1968] - Revolution 9 - Reverse Audio - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nI3GYC_WyW4
Soundgarden - Ultramega OK [1988] - 665 - Reverse Audio - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miXxiiHgFP8
Hey Awwwwwwwww!
I'm losing it
Hey! Set rules for me
Hey! Sing hymns for me
Answer it one more time
Oh I knock at my door I seize
You suck!
Oh I live at my door I seize
Noooooose! Around him
Ha! I command of this!
Ropes are all I command of this!
Ropes are all I command of this!
Hey! You I command of this!
Ah-ha Ah-ha-ha Ah-ha-ha Ah-ha-ha
Hey you! Hey you!
Hey Mamamamamamamama
Oh-oh-oh Near to me
Hang nails soon Hang nails to him Hang nails to him
Ah-ha-ha Ah-ha-ha Ah-ha-ha-ha Ah-ha-ha-ha Ah-ha-ha Ah-ha-ha Ah-ha-ha Ah-ha-ha
Ropes Ropes Ropes Ropes Ropes Ropes Ropes are all I command of this!
Ropes are all I command of this!
Ropes are all I command of this!
Ropes are all I command of this!
Ropes Ropes Ropes are All I command of this sin for my soul
I now like'm
Hey you are All I command of this sin for my soul
I now like'm
Words have no existence
Oh it's simple Do it!
Hey Hey Ropes Ropes Ropes Ropes are all I command of you!
I made it up for my motion
Ohhh I forgot my potent [1]
Sister Pray I can save you
I'mmmmm I'mmmmm I'mmm waiting for you
I'm rid of you All I needed was
I'll twist it up for you all Hang it! Hang it!
I have had simply more than enough of this
He's guilty!
I have had more than enough of this
Open issues with hang anthem
And I beg you They won't The offer insists
I'm I'm I'm I'mmmmmm waiting without you
Everyone insists on me forgive them
I will end it! Hang it! Hang it!
Ropes are all I contribute Going Fazi [2]
Ropes are all I contribute Yes save me for a little
Are we supposed to do our parallel?
Ropes are all I contribute
The rope bonded me with faith power
Want more in a relationship
Are we supposed to make it up?
I'm waiting without you
Most of all Buy me a second
How would it little? Hang it! Hang it!
Ropes are all I can
Oh faithful! Hey Blondie
Oh One day nuk'r Her voice One day nev'r
Ropes are all I contribute You hear me Bishop?
Ropes are all I contribute to their faith I'm immune this day? No!
Ohhh a little late
Oh this mistake is n'ver
I'm waiting without you
Am I too late? Buy me a second
How would it little? Hang it Hang it
[1] correction to video
[2] "Fazi" I'm unsure of the spelling or meaning but the pronunciation is as such. The same reference is repeated in song #8 That's the way. The best guess I have is a slang name reference they created for the character FAUST in the FAUSTIAN BARGAIN (deal with the devil of German legend) with cross reference to NAZI, so therefore FAZI !?