Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven (Lyrics) True Occult Song
Published on Jul 24, 2020
The most famous occult rock song in history. This one has a lot of themes in it. There's the piper that can lure people with his melody, Lady Wisdom who is ascending the stairway to heaven and the highest form of wisdom: theta⨂, the rock of alchemy and that it shouldn't regress, transmutation toward gold when you follow the spirit with faith, the left and right hand paths of death and life, our shadows are always taller than our soul (doing Carl Jung's shadow work helps us overcome these flaws), the importance of listening and having faith in the spirit, and the truth is we are all connected as One: "all is one and one is all," in line with the 1st Hermetic principle of All is Mind; the universe is mental. We see this with the division of labor how people naturally gravitate to fields that interest them, making our economy work as a functional whole. The "hidden hand" of Capitalism is market agents seeking to make use of their comparative advantage and when all actors are working in unison, exchange of goods and services can be made smoothly based on the market forces of supply and demand. This is the natural human ecosystem at work. All the human ants working by unseen forces based on needs and desires, looking to take advantage of situations that benefit them, produce a society where capital infrastructure is distributed across the Earth in order to satisfy the needs of owners and consumers.
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