MCP 10-14 April 2006
Published on Jun 6, 2020
20060414 - The Piper Report – jews pushing to have Jonathan Pollard released, mossad was behind the overthrow of the Mohammad Mosaddegh in Iran & placed the Shar, jews raid Spanish bookshop and cease books including book on Freemasonry written by Francesco Franco (who beat the communists), weather modifications
20060413 - The Piper Report – American Bar Association (lawyers) honouring Maurice Dees scumbag from SPLC (= spy agency – Oklahoma city bombing OCB), Richard Pearl = arms dealer for Israel, Thought Police being set up at universities to protect Israel, list of USA residents terrorist suspects OFAC, calls
20060412 - The Piper Report – Black Alan Keys was room-mate of William Crystal scumbag jew, CFR & Trilateral – jew book calling to suppress criticism of gov. (by Samuel Huntington ‘the crisis of democracy’ & ‘The clash of civilizations’) = declaration of war on Muslims as pretext to NWO (‘Who are we – the challenges to America’s national identity’), European jews came in the 1890s and took over from the WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant), Know Nothing movement leader was a jew, article Steven Steinlight of American Jewish Committee, good female caller re whites
20060411 - The Piper Report – Insane mass murdered (Bush) passed MCP house, visit to Malaysia (Mr Chang), jews use name calling to attack freedom of expression, America 1st Party = jewish, jews attack on whites, very powerful jewish elite in Mexico who are behind the Mexican invasion into the USA, the media is the enemy,
20060410 - The Piper Report – 15 April Tax day Titanic sank & A. Lincoln was murdered, Illegal aliens – pushed by jews, amnesty is useless, Seymour Hersh is hostile to Israel, caller lays shit on Ted Pike
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