What Faith and What Truth is in the World Today? End Time Events
Published on Aug 18, 2023
Faith and truth in today’s world is crucial because it’s being attacked on every side. So, let’s look at today’s world and see: *where it’s going *what is happening
*how are things coming about? SECRET SPEECH:
Podcast: https://truth-of-god-podcast.captivate.fm/episode/faith-and-truth-in-todays-world
Faith and Truth in Today’s World
We are really in a flood of satanic deception!
Fred R. Coulter—July 29, 2023
Faith and truth in today’s world; now that’s something that’s very important because it’s being attacked on every side. So, let’s look at today’s world and see:
• where it’s going
• what is happening
• how things are coming about
Now here’s an interesting picture. {showing on the video}This is one which depicts everyone as a technological saint. Having all the technology and making themselves gods.
Here’s another article. People are still interested in religion, so the Catholics are going to have for young people a great, great gathering in Portugal. Let’s see what happens to that. But in the meantime, more people are not believing in God. When, with all the difficulties we have, they really should be seeking God.
Here’s another article: Percentage of Americans that believe in God have fallen to an all-time low.
They don’t make the connection between leaving God and all the troubles that we have. But that’s the problem. In addition to that, there are a lot of people going to the Temple of Satan.
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