The well poisoners.

Published on Nov 1, 2021
While using the placebo scam and false flag deaths for themselves Israel is poisoning us all!

Every policy change coming out of Corporate government is a contraceptive (figure that out yourself). The evil footprint of our (((slave master))) .... Those who did 911.. “Israel”.. spoilt our Christmas… “Not China”… ”

Remember ... (((Anti National Socialism))) means Pro (((Jewish Central banker criminal families first))).... Well done Israel!

The central banker criminal families poisoning the guarantors (folk) with a toxic bio weapon "contagion" in order to force us to accept the (((NWO))) "cashless society".
#CMFEU #Melbourne # Europathelastbattle

Wow.... If true!

How lucky is Israel?

“The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by (((Glaxo-smith-Kline))), which (just by luck) owns (((Pfizer!)))” the miracle vaccine against the virus which we were told was started at the Wuhan Biological Lab, but lucky enough was funded by Dr. Fauci, who lucky for (((Israel))) promotes the vaccines!

Lucky for (((Israel))) (((GlaxoSmithKline))) is managed by the finance division of (((Black Rock))), which manages the finances of the (((Sorros Open Foundation Company))), which manages the (((insurance corporation AXA)))! “…..

Lucky for (((Israel))) (((Soros))) also owns the so called “German” company (((Winterthur))), which built the Chinese (((laboratory))) in Wuhan and was bought by the so called German company (((Allianz))), which lucky for (((Israel))) has (((Vanguard))) as a shareholder, who lucky for (((Israel))) is a shareholder of (((Black Rock))),” which controls the (((central banks))) and manages about a third of global investment capital.

“(((Black Rock)))” is also a major shareholder of (((MICROSOFT))) which is owned by (((Bill Gates))), who lucky for (((Israel))) is a shareholder of (((Pfizer))) selling the miracle vaccine to the “goyim” and is also the first sponsor of the ‘WHO (((World Health Org)))!

So! The dead “bat” story, sold in a wet market, in China, which the (((Medea))) program us to believe infected the WHOLE PLANET!; Is now the “lucky charm” for (((Israel))) and all their (((well poison/money changers)))

Thanks Jews for being so lucky for us all!

Take note you Goy’s! Those who did 911.. “Israel”.. spoilt our Christmas… “Not China”…

Google 5 dancing Israelis

We have been lied too...
Democracy is "SLOW KILL" ... Back door "COMMUNISM" the psychological weapon of choice for the Covid well poisoners, money changers = the "JEWISH CENTRAL BANKER CRIME FAMMILIES"


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