This is suspicious: white nationalist downplays (((Azov))) links to Israel
Published on Apr 1, 2022
Also I am not an anthropoligist but I did find something interesting: Martinez seems to be a Sephardic Jewish surname. Can anyone here confirm this? Further sources seem to confirm this: This source in Spanish seems to say that Martinez are crypto Jews: MartÃnez se encuentra en Europa, América y también en Israel. Alguien puedo confermar eso? Another Spanish source: Another Spanish source: Another Spanish source:
1. I do think Martinez does have some good points in other videos
2. In my opinion it is highly suspect if a white nationalist downplays Israeli influence
3. I am not pro Putin in any way, shape or form
4. Why would a white nationalist trust Israeli newspapers more than Palestinian ones?
5. Personally I think that (((Azov))) are white man's (((ISIS))) and I also think that Russian separatists are (((communists)))
6. How do we exist this endless circle of lies and death? Honestly, I don't know.
7. Please feel free to correct me if you think this is a wrong attack on Martinez, no hate intended towards him. I am just veeery careful to trust someone who downplays Israeli influence, especially given the fact that European nationalists are or at least should be aware of their games of (((divide and rule))).
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