Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, July 17, 2024, Trump; Worship of other Gods

Published on Jul 19, 2024
*** Christian People Are So Fooled about Trump, July 17, 2024
(MAGA people don't get it)
*** What Happened to Jesus? (CHOOSE THIS DAY WHOM YOU WILL SERVE)
Harmeet Dhillon performs 'Ardas' 2 days after attack on Trump at Republican National Convention An Indian-American lawyer and a former Republican Vice Chairperson, Harmeet Dhillon, performed the Ardas, a Sikh prayer in the presence of former US President Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention. Slamming the attack on Trump as 'heinous', Dhillon said that the attack made everyone seek comfort and #HarmeetDhillon #DonaldTrump # ... www.youtube.com (LifeSiteNews) — Last night’s opening session of the GOP National Convention, which earlier in the day had officially nominated Donald J. Trump as the party’s 2024 presidential candidate, closed out with a prayer to a god other than Jesus Christ, the genderless god of the Sihk religion that believes in rebirth (reincarnation) and karma. High-profile Republican attorney Harmeet Dhillon took to the podium, covered her head, and chanted the “ardas” prayer to “Waheguru, our one true God” seeking blessing upon and protection for the candidacy of former President Trump.
*** TRUMP, (CRIME) GROCERY LIST and Articles of FAILURES, Nov 25, 2023:
1) ISRAEL (not America) FIRST
Trump Complains About the Israel Lobby Losing Influence on Congress,
D. DeCamp – Antiwar.com, June 6, 2024
Former President Donald Trump complained in an interview with Fox News’s Sean Hannity about the Israel lobby not having as much influence over Congress as it once did and vowed he would be a staunch supporter of Israel if re-elected. “You know, Israel was the most powerful lobby in the country 15 years ago. Today, between Tlaib and AOC, and all of these people, what they’re doing. Israel, they don’t have the backing that they once had,” Trump said … Trump made similar comments about Israel’s influence in Congress in an interview with Israel Hayom back in March. “Some 15 years ago, Israel had the strongest lobby. If you were a politician, you couldn’t say anything bad about Israel, that would be like the end of your political career,” he said.
2) WARP SPEED - Vax mass murders in the millions - as Dianna said, people would NOT have taken the vax if Trump hadn't endorsed it. Had Hillary endorsed it - Trump supporters wouldn't have taken it. Trump declared he had COVID, took the vax and boosters, took Remdesivir in the hospital - likely ALL placebos (?) to 'important' people.
3) Jan 6 Supporter Betrayal - labeling it as RIOT, INSURRECTION (They were there for him).
4) LGBTQXYZ Endorsement.
5) Trump Supports Transgender Miss Universe Pageant Contestants
Trump owned the rights to the Miss Universe Pageant. In 2012, the Canadian entrant for Miss Universe was a male at birth and a biological male. The long standing rules for the Miss Universe Pageant was the contestant must have been born a FEMALE.
In 2012, the judges and pageant administrators who had been officiating the Miss Universe Pageant for years, they barred this Canadian biological male from competing in the 2012 Miss Universe Pageant. Trump, as owner of the rights to the pageant, he stepped in and FORCED the judges and pageant administrators to allow a biological male to compete against the true females in the pageant. Remember, this was 2012, over 10 years ago, as such, Trump was and is a pioneer in Transgender Rights. Trump was also the first president to appoint a sodomite to be a Presidential cabinet member.
6) Gun Control = "confiscate the guns first, deal with it in court later"
*** https://www.usatoday.com/.../trump-says-take.../381145002/
*** Gun Control, Red flag laws, FBI definition, Domestic Terrorists, circa Feb 3, 2020
7) Supporting FAKE NEWS/INFO Prevention (what? like censorship of PC incorrect info???)
9) The wall was not constructed AND (More illegals came into the U.S. under Trump than Obama) publicity. https://www.realhistorychan.com/anyt-04052023.html
10) Election Fraud to be handled but wasn’t. Those who attempted to fight this battle were persecuted and Trump was NOT to be found to defend them in dealing with the corrupted DOMINION voting machines as well as the bogus mail-in ballots in the swing states.
11) Antisemitism (criticism of Israel? questioning the holocaust? Pro-palestinian stand?) punishable by death. (circa Oct 2018)
https://www.bitchute.com/video/4Vp94iGLH70i/ Dec 20, 2019, Trump Executive Order on antisemitism
Pastor Chuck Baldwin:
... Geopolitics & Empire: Trump as a Globalist Trojan Horse, Martial Law, & Civil War #148
... Neocons are the swamp

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