Sex, Love With Other Races, Religions, Ethnicities, Minority "Out Groups"

Published on Mar 16, 2021
Why do people seek partners - sexual and romantic - from "out groups" (other religions, races, ethnicities, and minority groups, not their own)?

More about victimhood state of mind:

Sex drive is autoerotic. Object relations redirect it. When we are atomized, we regress to being autoerotic in a schizoid state.

Generational gap in psychology studies

Gender vertigo: women – especially VICTIMS of abuse – more psychopathic and narcissistic. Confuse assertiveness with aggression. Emulate psychopathic men.

Bodies in public domain (sexting, cams, digital forever, not perceived as sex so digital promiscuity)

21% of all couples in the USA are sexless (fuck fewer than 10 times a year). The real figure is probably much higher.

Among people under age 35, the situation is unmitigated disaster.

5 years without sex is very very common. Many go 10 years without sex

A sizable proportion of the population gave up on sex - and relationships! – altogether. People gave up on all types of connection, not only sex.

Gender Reversal example: "men have started to withhold sex as an act of protesting , traditionally a feminine move" (P. S. Dupont)

Men just talk with women. They flee at the first sign of assertive sexual advances.

Men are terrified of sex because they perceive women as judgmental, aggressive, defiant, and psychopathic - or “insane” (dysregulated, labile) and bitter.

And men are right: women have become a lot more antisocial and man-haters. The change in gender roles (women stronger, more independent) turned men off completely.

The abyss between the genders is hopelessly unbridgeable, in my opinions.

Misogynists like Muslims and Italians are reaping the rewards, ironically.

Today, to find a willing sex partner is like winning the lottery. People lose it when they finally come across someone who actually likes to have sex: they cheat on their spouses, degrade themselves as subs, do anything, even in casual sex. Things have never been worse.

Heterophily low, so the potential for conflict is high.

Members of out groups like to mate with white women as a form of payback and a way of humiliating “white whores”. Hangover from colonialism (post-colonialism).

Interracial porn and cuckoldry

As far as male members of the out-groups, white women are whorish but status symbol, have arrived, belonging and acceptance.

Exogamy rare (interracial couples) result extended or virtual singlehood.

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