Assad : Jews Are The Enemies of Humanity & Religions , They Have a Collective Psychological Complex

Published on Jul 2, 2021

#Syria An Old Speech of Syria's President Bashar Al Assad in 2001 during the visit of Pope John Paul II to Syria , the exact date of the speech is 5 May 2001 , the speech caused a world Jewry stir and the US state department issued a statement of condemnation to the speech , all world Jewish organizations were angered by this speech .

The effect of the speech even went till 2012 when Jerusalem Post in 2012 published an open letter to the so called " Syrian rebels " and quoted the 2001 speech : " BACK IN SPRING 2001 the man now fighting you told pope John Paul II, in the presence of TV cameras from the entire world, and shortly after claiming to speak “on behalf of the Syrian Arab people,” that “there are those” who “try to kill all the principles of divine faiths with the same mentality of betraying Jesus Christ and torturing him"

In 2001 after this speech , President Assd went to France for an official Visit however , Paris mayor Bertrand Delanoe declined a shake hand with president Assad over what Delanoe deemed as " Rcaist and anti semitic" comments from Dr Assad during his meeting with Pope John Paul II

At that time world Jewry attacked the Catholic Pope for his silence and his refusal to intervene and defend Jews during his meeting with Assad

However , Vatican's spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls, said: "The Pope will absolutely not intervene. We are guests of this president and he has expressed his opinion."

Assad's speech received a major condemnation from America , France , UK Germany and World Jewish Organizations . However Syria's grand Mufti has defended president Assad "calling Western criticisms "an echo of the Zionist hatred of the Arabs." and "Arabs "follow religions of love, tolerance and peace, while the Zionists are the murderers of prophets, criminals and racists," the government news agency reported.

We present the video to document a Historical event , an important speech which has affected the world during the time and it's effect merged to the world scene in 2012 too as JPost has quoted it in poart of it's message and letter to the so called " Syrian rebels" as the above links show .


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