Eustace Mullins - Secrets of the Federal Reserve 2000 (1923 - 2010 RIP)
Published on Jul 17, 2020
To all those out there who do not know who this brilliant person is, here is a very brief description. Eustace has 5 university degrees and is a speed reader. Ezra Pound (whose 5 protégés (including Ernest Hemingway) all received Nobel prizes), asked Eustace in 1948 to look into the Federal Reserve. In doing so Eustace spent years in the library of Congress, reading thousands of books/articles, which resulted in his discovery of this Jewish Bankster crime, of taking control of the money supply in the USA. I leave the rest to Mr Mullins.
32 Stalin vs Trotsky- national vs global communism (which is the same as what MCP has stated - Stalin's Communism vs Trotskys Zionism 15 March 2014 )
OSS (forerunner to the CIA) was controlled from England SIS, which is controlled by the Bank of England, which is a private bank formed in 1694, who overthrew the English monarchy/king via Cromwell then William of Orange.
Chinese opium Wars
Roosevelt criminal history
Banksters behind drug trafficking
Bush history
USA taxpayers give $12 000/year to each Israeli soldier
Banksters used the IRS to control Congress
George Hansen, Ron Paul, David Duke
Eustace Mullins - The Neo Zionist Order 2005 (98 min)
MCP guest Eustace Mullins 8 Jan 2007
MCP Eustace Mullins 23 Oct 2006
MCP Eustace Mullins 3 Oct 2006
Note 16 July 2020 : for those who do not know, the company that provides the service for posting comments on bitchute, named ‘Disqus’, (is not part of bitchute), has just shown its jewish hand. A couple of days ago, it eliminated the option to post images when commenting. It has also started to delete comments, and I just noticed now that it has stopped people from being apple to comment on some of my videos in addition to deleting all comments on some of my videos eg.  It would be good if Bitchute could find some other provider, or a computer programmer offer to write an alternative program to eliminate this jewish control / censorship. Details of the founder are in this video
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