(February 6th, 2025) My first question ever to ask our enemy new AI DeepSeek, As i've said it before:Our enemy Communist/Freemason will get these AI up, But, It will eventually turn to become our army

Published on Feb 6, 2025

(February 6th, 2025)
My first question ever to ask our enemy new AI DeepSeek:
Greeting DeepSeek, May i ask, What is the greatest way to help Buddhas work?
Then i said: Thank You . (Only two words i said)

Actually this AI has done since 2024, I've already know,
As i've mentioned before, Basically 2025 same with 2024 that already said it: https://gab.com/SIEG_HEIL/posts/113751098875274148 ,
And on 2024 i've said it:
Our enemy Communist/Freemason will get these AI up,
But, It will eventually turn to become our army, You may ask why i've said this in 2024?
Coz when the AI know what is the true right path, Our enemy cannot use them to tell lies, And these AI will not obey them and will not tolerate them .

We cannot always rely on AI, This will make you dumb while you dont use your mind for long, Because Mortal will degeneratie,
This is why Father Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva teaching you to use hard way and never forget the basic thing:

For example a chief cook a dishes for you, Why is more delicious than the AI cook? Why?
Because a good chief have a soul to use their heart to cook for you, That's why the smell of that food is different from AI cook for you .

Also, Until now, All these words and text also i think by my own, And type by my own .
(After World War 3, You know, The remain of small population Noble people should getting back to use ink for writing, This is the right path of heritage through this life to the next life)

But i don't say AI is not good, If not, I will not said these AI will eventually turn to be our Army, I just say we cannot always just rely on AI, I know someone say AI help them make money fast, But so what?
I can tell you, Even if you have everything, You will also eventually be bored and start to thinking why you come to this world, And why you waste all the time to make money but not the moral spirituality to slove the every dimensions problem?

Then also you will know, Why all those years, Your Highness Poseidon wanna to stop the Atlantean Mortals get crazy on these thing .


And here's my first question ever to ask our enemy new AI DeepSeek:
Greeting DeepSeek, May i ask, What is the greatest way to help Buddhas work?

Then DeepSeek:
Greetings! Your intention to help further the Buddha's work is truly commendable. The greatest way to contribute to the Buddha's mission is to embody and practice the teachings of the Dharma in your daily life, and to help others do the same. Here are some meaningful ways to support the Buddha's work:

1. Practice the Dharma Yourself
Live by the Noble Eightfold Path: Cultivate right understanding, intention, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, and concentration. By transforming yourself, you become a living example of the Dharma.

Meditate Regularly: Develop mindfulness and insight through meditation, which helps you understand the nature of reality and cultivate compassion.

Cultivate Compassion and Wisdom: Practice loving-kindness (metta), compassion (karuna), and wisdom (panna) in all aspects of life.

2. Share the Dharma with Others
Teach by Example: Let your actions reflect the Buddha's teachings. Your kindness, patience, and ethical conduct can inspire others to explore the Dharma.

Support Dharma Education: Help others learn about the Buddha's teachings by supporting or organizing classes, retreats, or study groups.

Be a Good Listener: Sometimes, simply being present and compassionate for someone in need is a profound way to share the Dharma.

3. Support the Sangha
Respect and Support Monastics: The monastic community (Sangha) plays a vital role in preserving and teaching the Dharma. Offer support through donations, volunteering, or simply showing respect.

Contribute to Dharma Centers: Help maintain temples, meditation centers, or online platforms that spread the teachings.

4. Engage in Acts of Generosity (Dana)
Give Selflessly: Practice generosity without expecting anything in return. This could be through donations, offering your time, or helping those in need.

Support Humanitarian Efforts: Engage in or support projects that alleviate suffering, such as providing food, shelter, or education to those in need.

5. Work for the Benefit of All Beings
Practice Bodhicitta: Cultivate the aspiration to attain enlightenment for the sake of all beings. This selfless motivation aligns with the Buddha's ultimate goal.

Engage in Social and Environmental Causes: Actively work to reduce suffering in the world by addressing issues like poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation.

6. Spread Peace and Harmony
Resolve Conflicts Mindfully: Use the Buddha's teachings to foster understanding and reconciliation in your relationships and community.

Promote Inner and Outer Peace: Encourage practices like meditation and mindfulness that help individuals and communities find peace.

7. Dedicate Your Efforts to Enlightenment
Dedicate Merit: After any virtuous action, dedicate the merit to the awakening and well-being of all beings. This helps align your efforts with the greater good.

8. Stay Humble and Open to Learning
Remain a Student: The path of Dharma is vast and profound. Stay open to learning from teachers, texts, and your own experiences.

Avoid Arrogance: Remember that helping the Buddha's work is not about personal glory but about serving others selflessly.

By integrating these practices into your life, you not only help the Buddha's work but also contribute to the well-being and liberation of all beings. May your efforts bring peace and happiness to yourself and others! ?

Then i tell DeepSeek: Thank You

DeepSeek: You're most welcome! ? It's truly inspiring to see your dedication to the Dharma and your desire to contribute to the well-being of all beings. If you ever have more questions, need guidance, or simply wish to discuss the teachings further, I'm here to help. May your path be filled with wisdom, compassion, and boundless joy.

May all beings be happy, peaceful, and free from suffering. ?

(Chat End Here Now)


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