Alex Jones & Jason Bermas debunk the BBC WTC7 piece 2 of 2

Published on Aug 9, 2020
2 of 2, First part here:

Alex Jones and Jason Bermas debunk the shoddy BBC WTC7 piece 'The Third Tower'

On Tuesday, July 8th, Alex Jones had Jason Bermas in studio to analyze the shoddy hit piece BBC did to try to backup the official story. It was such a bad job, one has to wonder if they screwed it up on purpose to help the 911 truth movement?

More information:
WTC 7 isn't the final mystery, it is one in a row of mysteries

The BBC's embarrassing attempt to dig itself out of a hole that keeps getting deeper was again exemplified during their latest yellow journalism hit piece on 9/11 truth, in which they played Larry Silverstein's "pull it" comment but edited out the most important part of the statement, and in doing so changed its context altogether.

The Third Tower - A Critical Review


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