Subhuman shit skin indian(Dalit) promote by Kishida as "tourist" come to Japan to beat japanese girl
Published on Apr 19, 2023
(Updated: He has been arrested)
(April 6th, 2023)
Kishida not only have the best relationship with subhuman Korean and Unification Church-Semitic, U.S(Jew Ass) CIA Russian chinese KGB communist,
But also, Recently kishida and his party fully focus on promoting the subhuman/Foreigner come to Japan as "tourist" .
kishida and his party has the deal with the subhuman freemason reptilian jews/Israel/U.S(Jew Ass)/Korean/Chinese/Russian(slavic) and shit skin indian (Sudra/Dalit) alLIES communist to let the foreigner/Subhuman shit skin indian (Sudra/Dalit) come to Japan to beat/Rape Japanese girl .
And kishida with his party planning trying to deal with the reptilian jews to build a casino in Osaka .
He make tokyo turn shit and now try Osaka .
kishida and his party trying to sell Japan out to the subhuman Foreigner, And this cannot be accept/Forgiveness, Even the foreigner just 1.2% in Japan:
Behind the reptilian jews/Russian(slavic), Shit skin indian(Sudra/Dalit) in Europe:
Strat from this day, Do not blame us randomly beat/Clean out Foreigner on street, We already warn you not to come !
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