Pawns in the Game - Commander William Guy Carr 1957 talk
Published on Jul 10, 2022
i have cleaned up this audio - ie reduced the noise etc, which makes it clearer.
you can download the mp3 & pdfs from the mega link below or my archive channel
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my notes:
26 1789 Professor John Robinson book 'Proofs of a conspiracy against all the religions and governments of Europe"
27 Illuminati (Rothschild) had infiltrated masonry in 1789 (i.e. the organisation which was attacking the Church)
33 word 'communism'
Roosevelt part of communism – working for Rothschild
34 Karl Marx son of Rabbi, acted as if he hated jews
35.15 nitche = controlled opposition to Karl Marx (both are Rothschild)
36.40 1887 Lenin leader of world revolution movement Zionism
40 Lenin & Trotsky – part of illuminati
42.20 1916 Paul Warburg (Rothschild agent) drafted the federal reserve and his brother was chief of German intelligence (ie Rothschild)
1916 Trotsky takes over Russia
39 Henry Ford fooled into working for the jews.
39.30 Rothschild definition of peace
46 98% of Bolshevik revolution government was jews
49 WW2 chamberlain lied to by Rothschild agents- how Rothschild removed chamberlain
54 Winston Churchill article
55.40 Nuremberg trials = legal murder (by Rothschild)
60 wgc = intelligence officer
63 ultimate goal is for us to be slaves - only 2 classes
64 Albert Alfred jew Nobel (peace prize) inverted dynamite
65 WHO - Canadian UN representative became who leader.
how to control the human cattle = race mixing
Goyim = cattle
Word play by jews
Jews hide in a safe places before war starts
72 nerve gas
92 Albert pike quote
94 Illuminati will wipe out Freemasonry
97 quote jews fear the truth – if one man penetrates their lies.
98 less than 30% females will be chosen for breeding
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