Mel Gibson Arrest B

Published on Mar 22, 2021
25. SOUNDBITE (English) VOX POP:
"I mean, the guy's very powerful, so I don't think he's very afraid of losing anything in his career. But, I think, you know, and Hollywood is very well managed by Jews, as you know. And so I don't think he's going to have a very simple life from now on, because, I think, I think he actually thinks what he said, even though he said, 'No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.' But, you know, 'In Vino Veritas,' we said in Italy , which means, 'When you're drunk, you tell the truth.'"
26. SOUNDBITE (English) VOX POP: "The movie, 'Passion,' it's a big movie, but it shouldn't have been done. His father: very prejudiced, supported the Germans. So it didn't surprise me too much. Surprised me that he was too stupid to say it. It'll ruin his life, and that's good. At least it'll come out. As people will say, as my friend here said, 'Well, when you're drunk you say anything.' No, that's not true. You don't say anything. When you're drunk, you say the truth."
AP Entertainment
Los Angeles , 31 July 2006
28. SOUNDBITE (English) Sam Elliott/Actor, "We Were Soldiers": "You know what? I don't really feel as if it's my place to comment on it -- one way or another. I feel like there's already way too much commentary on it. I feel like Mel has contributed as much to this business and today's world as anybody. And, you know, I'm not gonna comment anymore than that. But I know that he's a survivor. I do know that, you know. So, you know, I wish him well. I don't wish him ill. And I think a lot of people will just rise to the occasion and seize the opportunity to say something bad about whoever. You know what I mean?"
AP Entertainment
Los Angeles , 31 July 2006
30. SOUNDBITE (English) Jerry Penacoli/Correspondent, "Extra":
"The studio may shelve the project for a while. Things like that have happened in the past, when there's been some controversy surrounding the project. It's just been shelved. They'll give a very nebulous reason as to why it's been shelved, but we'll all know the real reason."
31.'s Harvey Levin in office
32. SOUNDBITE (English) Harvey Levin/Managing Editor,
"He could, theoretically, be charged for resisting arrest. The D.A. could still do that if he wanted to. I mean, this is all on audiotape at the scene. So, that could happen. But, beyond that, this is a really serious situation that the sheriff's department would do something like this."
AP Entertainment
Los Angeles , 31 July 2006
34. Malibu coastline
35. SOUNDBITE (English) Chris Prentiss/Co-Founder Passages celebrity treatment centre: "I don't know Mel Gibson personally, but I've heard that he's a nice man, that he conducts himself in a gentlemanly manner, and he has these bouts that he gets himself into. Here at Passages, we have the world's highest success rate for curing people. We deal with the underlying conditions, and that's what Mel needs. he need to have someone deal with the reason that he's abusing alcohol on these occasions."
36. B-roll Prentiss walking

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