MCP 31 Jul–4 Aug DON’T BE AFRAID of the JEWS, Mel Gibson ‘The jews are responsible for all the wars

Published on Jul 26, 2020
For all those who don’t know who MCP is. My utmost respect and admiration goes to this brilliant person who has revealed so much of the truth in relation to how a small group of jews have been destroying the world for all others.
With over 30 years research and having read over 10 000 books on the 'jewish' issue, MCP can be considered an expert on the 'jewish' issue, which has infested our world, in the same way that a cancer/parasite infests a host body, and it should be eliminated.
In his show dated 26 Jan. 2011 MCP reads about a scumbag jew (as opposed to a non-scumbag jew), who was referred to as a 'Public Intellectual'. MCP stated that he would like to be remembered as a 'Public Intellectual'. I think he more than deserves that title.
20060804 - The Piper Report good – we need to keep files of the enemy/jews – lists of names etc, Canada Simon Wiesenthal Centre trying to ban 6 000 websites revealing the truth about jewish crimes, Good news - American jew Michael Levin joins Israeli army and was killed – David Johnson jew quote ’as a jew in the diaspora you feel like you’ve got to give something to your country’, 2 jews in a room will result in 3 opinions, jew hating friend of MCP was unknowingly being used by jews to help mossad, Muslim, Aron Russo film ‘freedom to fascism’
20060803 - The Piper Report – ‘Danner’ is a jewish name, Russell Pickering details as to why Sam Danner is lying,, we need to create a database of the ‘enemies of humanity’
20060802 - The Piper Report (2nd half good) - Michael received a surprise phone call from Sam Danner (the jewish friend of Eric Hufschmid & Bollyn) 911 pentagon – What is writing in the Protocols of Zion is more important the if they are real/fake, we need to attack the jewish power regardless of laws since they have broken the law 1st, don’t get Chemotherapy
20060801 - The Piper Report - The Media Frenzy Surrounding Comments by Hollywood star, Mel Gibson - Mel Gibson apologises about the jews, to Hell with Israel, Protocols of Zion are real according to jews from 1920 - jewish magazine in London, DON”T BE AFRAID of the JEWS, jews want to take away guns, Patriot Act was pushed by jews
20060731 - The Piper Report – Middle East war, David Irving had Heart attack & Stroke whilst in Jail, 11 Mel Gibson drink driving and says the truth about the jews ‘The jews are responsible for all the wars in the world’, WW1 was for the jews, muslim attacks jewish community for jewish war in middle east, Jew tried to run over an American arab woman, Jew email trying to argue that why we should protest outside jewish Synagogues (because the jews want us to do that so that they look like victims), 27 Mat caller confirms his father Sam Danner (Bollyn’s friend) was lying about his 911 story

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