Berlin 1936 - Olympics - Olympia - rare private footage
Published on Jul 1, 2021
Rare private footage, available for broadcasting (in full HD). Part of our ultimate footage series "Berlin 1936 Olympics": . Available for broadcasting - Lizenzanfragen/licencing requests: For more people and places in history: Check out our playlist "worldfilmheritage".
Berlin 1936 during the Olympic Summer Games. The footage shows the city decorated with swastikas and olympic flags, Berlin Cathedral, the flags of the nations incl. the area for the presentation ceremonies, the traffic and traffic jam on the streets to the Stadium, Stadium area empty and crowded, arrival of Adolf Hitler, sports such as: Marathon, show jumping, handball, gymnastics, swimming, high diving and the closing ceremony.
Rare Privataufnahmen von einem Olympia Besuch in Berlin 1936 zeigen Szenen aus der auffälig dekorierten Stadt, dem Stadion Gelände, der Ankunft Adolf Hitlers und verschiedenen Wettkämpfen. U.a. Marathon, Springreiten, Feldhandball, Turnen, Schwimmen, Turmspringen und der Abschlussfeier.