Published on Jan 10, 2023
Never before has VfB trended on a weekday - not before last month 📆
I have just trended three days in a row...and it ain't Sunday, boys! 🌇
Looks like WE WON, boys 😇 Thumbnail: https://i.imgur.com/6pIimuG.png 🖼️
Source: https://gab.com/vonschidtzmere/posts/108042419467905926
Epic stupidity to follow - I'm going to melt yore brain with what I habs:
https://ringsssss.com/extra/woman-arrested-23-iphones/ - yeah...that truncation of the headline isn't telling you a bloody thing...but VfB would advise the use of a hockey helmet before clicking
Tell me I was wrong...and if you survived that...here moar:
Otay...a bit of actual happenings:
This Meme-Image and my article with comments is Referenced Here:
[ https://stevenwork.substack. com/p/multiverse-journal-index-number-1770]
Archived: https://archive.ph/rhi51
DropBox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rubbh7ja7pmn4o6/Multiverse%20Journal%20-%20Index%20Number%201770%20%2C%20January%2010th%2C%202023%2C%20Tuesday%20Morning.pdf
[ https://www.dropbox. com/s/rubbh7ja7pmn4o6/Multiverse%20Journal%20-%20Index%20Number%201770%20%2C%20January%2010th%2C%202023%2C%20Tuesday%20Morning.pdf]
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[ https://twitter. com/StevWork/status/1612846299552034823]
{Today's videos & Articles}
DropBox files: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/165mcd9xx71ip4w77geph/h?dl=0&rlkey=pgru451ho725bi7yv46fmfp23
[ https://www.dropbox. com/scl/fo/165mcd9xx71ip4w77geph/h?dl=0&rlkey=pgru451ho725bi7yv46fmfp23]
January 10th, 2023, Tuesday Morning, Index Number 1770:
I'm just having a ball...Supreme Court won't hear our case?
Nah, bitches - we know this (((system))) better than you slimy fuckers
We are about to BEAT DAT ASS 🤬
💳❌...and we don't accept EBTs as payment 💳❌
They caught Elmer Fudd - but I heard a customer say, "Duck season!" right before the ALECKABLAMMO! 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
Thanks! Yes, it's Cassidy Campbell 🍀

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