Plan Andinia: A New Jewish State? (Global Documentary) | Real Stories (Bring your They Live Gear)
Published on Apr 29, 2021
Patagonia is one of the remotest regions in the world. It is situated in the southernmost point of South America and is shared by Argentina and Chile. Patagonia is not only a region of breath-taking beauty and vast natural resources, but also the region where, some people believe, a new Jewish state could be created. Those who believe that the writings of Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism, have been distorted reject this theory. In his book The Jewish State, published in 1897 Herzl talks about the need to create a nation for Jews, and talked about two possible sites: Argentina and Palestine.
This fascinating documentary visits Patagonia and speaks to important representatives of the Jewish community as well as critics of Zionism in Argentina and Chile. Plan Andinia poses an important question: Is the creation of a Jewish state in Patagonia a conspiracy theory or a real possibility?
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