Indian Bob - Oh No Pajeet (Ft. Pajeet) (Official Audio)

Published on May 23, 2021
This song is from Indian Bob's new album: New Delhi Deluxe!

"Oh No Pajeet" is a song about Pajeets' new girlfriend. Bob noticed that his brother posted it on Currybook, and Bob immediately knew he must advise his older brother on how to be the best boyfriend! Lets wish them the best!


Hello pajeet, it is me, your brother, bob. I hope youre doing very well in bangladesh!
i seen your new girl on currybook and shes so nice, yet youre a total mess!
so i made a catchy little tune about what you can do to seem more handsome and sweet.


Hello Pajeet,
how are you doing?
i seen your girlfriend
and she is brewing

and youre shit
so let me help you
heres some advice
on what to do

grab her by the hand
cuddle on the sand
make her your one and only

Pre chorus:

but there is one thing
one tiny thing
im gonna tell you
its pretty bad

so let me sing
and buy her a ring
im gonna tell you
please dont get mad

if you dont do so
she will be a hoe
im gonna tell you
its pretty sad

so here you go
from bro to bro
im gonna tell you
be glad


oh pajeet, oh pajeet
please wash your fucking feet
oh pajeet, oh pajeet,
thats your meat stop beating it
oh pajeet, oh pajeet
please wash under your armpit
oh pajeet, oh pajeet
you smell like shit, oh pajeet


oh, oh
pajeety, pajeety
oh, oh
you shitty, you shitty
oh, oh
pajeety, pajeety
oh, oh
you shitty, you shitty

oh no
pajeety, pajeety
oh no
you shitty, you shitty
oh no
pajeety, pajeety
oh no
you shitty, you shitty

Wash your feet you smelly shit!

Connor Darktail (Bob) - Vocal, Lyrics
Jordan Parnell (Pajeet) - Vocal, Adlibs
GTMedia - Guitar, Drums, Bass

More to come soon... :)

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