Jewish child rapers arrested
Published on Jan 9, 2024
CONTEXT: NYC public utilities had begun repairing/replacing water lines near and or around the Chabad HQ in NYC. In the process of their digging, they broke thru into some of the tunnels that had been dug by the jew tunnel rats under their buildings. NYC public utilities did not immediately recognize the tunnels as "tunnels", they just thought they had a cavity they needed to fill to complete their repairs. NYC public utilities began preparations to fill the hole with cement and that is when the jew tunnel rats began to attack and destroy their equipment prompting a police response. Concurrently, members of the Chabad sect that had no knowledge of the tunnels began removing paneling and brickwork to expose the tunnels when they saw the chaos of the other jews trying to stop the cement going into their tunnels.
Jews have been busted digging tunnels under their satanic synagogue in NYC. The cover story is so they could attend services during lockdown, but we know this is the typical jew pill pull to distract from the truth.
There is a massive police presence and arrests are ongoing which is completely out of the ordinary if the tunnels we're just for "walking thru".
This story is developing and will be updated as information becomes available.
Update 7:16pm: Arrests continue inside 770 as NYPD officers continue to pull Bochurim from inside the tunnel.
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Mainstream news picking up the story:
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