Heaven & Hell Occult Duality: Don't Be Naive About the Dark Side
Published on Jul 28, 2020
Spiritual teachers of Zen talk about the 'middle way,' that in order to be healthy you have to incorporate both aspects of different forces: masculine with the feminine, heaven with the hell, intellect with intuition, thought with emotion, work with rest, and so on and so forth. In psychology this is called aversion therapy, where psychologists help patients lose their fear over a stimuli by exposing them to it and giving them the tools to solve the problem on their own. This experience gives the person gnosis, immediate knowledge on how to handle a difficult situation that is automatic, reflexive. That's what learning should aspire to reach, the state where it is second nature and reflexive, requiring little thought but instantaneous know-how.
Expose Yourself to Malevolence | Jordan Peterson
Dr. Jordan B Peterson is a Professor of Psychology, a public speaker, a clinical psychologist, and a creator of Self Authoring.
Source: https://youtu.be/T4fjSrVCDvA?t=31m46s
Support Jordan: https://www.patreon.com/jordanbpeterson
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