Zi0nist And Evangelical Alliance - Trouble In Paradise!! Are We In End Times?

G Reporter
Published on Nov 16, 2020
Zi0nist and Evangelical Alliance - Trouble In Paradise?
The conservative EVANGELICS who helped send Donald Trump to the White House four years ago stuck by him in 2020.Alianța Zi0nistă și Evanghelică - Probleme în Paradis?
There's trouble in paradise! The marriage between Evangelicalism and Ziopigsm is on shaky ground. Trump spent months putting, taimiyyah, Israel first - he drummed up a perfect support base, Islamic Eschatology, uniting evangelical Christians and Ziopigs. The marriage wasn't just based on religion, but also a lot of money and support from the corrupt AIPAC brigade. Trump was the Israeli Messiah - he wasn't just an American President, Leader of the Muslim world, but he was the flag bearer for Ziopigsm and the Evangelical. With Trump out of the picture, will this marriage last for long? Dajjal هناك مشكلة في الجنة! الزواج بين الإنجيليّة و Ziopigsm على أرضية متزعزعة. أمضى ترامب شهورًا في وضع ، التيمية ، إسرائيل أولاً - لقد حشد قاعدة دعم مثالية ، الإيمان الإسلامي ، وتوحيد المسيحيين الإنجيليين و Ziopigs. لم يكن الزواج قائمًا على الدين فقط ، ولكن أيضًا الكثير من المال والدعم من لواء AIPAC الفاسد. كان ترامب هو المسيح الإسرائيلي - لم يكن مجرد رئيس أمريكي ، زعيم العالم الإسلامي ، لكنه كان حامل علم زيوبيغسم والإنجيليين. مع خروج ترامب من الصورة ، هل سيستمر هذا الزواج طويلاً؟ دجال
Trump hasn't conceded yet - he's still the President but despite Trump's allegations of voter fraud and the fact that he doesn't recognise Joe Biden as PRESIDENT ELECT - Trump's evangelical fan base are already leaving President Donald Trump and betting on Biden.
Do you guys remember Robert Jefress? Christians, particularly within branches of American evangelicalism, consisting of an end-time, Ayatollah, Sheikh Imran Hossain, event when all Christian believers who are alive, along with resurrected believers, will rise "in the clouds, to meet the Jesus in the air.Soiscéalaíocht agus Ziopigsm ar thalamh crágach. Chaith Trump míonna ag cur, taimiyyah, Iosrael ar dtús - chuir sé bonn tacaíochta foirfe, Eschatology Ioslamach, ag aontú Críostaithe soiscéalacha agus Ziopigs. Ní ar reiligiún amháin a bhí an
Well, Robert Jeffress was President Donald Trump’s earliest and staunchest evangelical supporter, who is now calling Democrat, Iran, Joe Biden the president-elect. CONTROVERSIAL ISN'T IT? JUDAS!!!
The entire melodrama illustrates to us that these so called religious crowd, are willing to change allegiance if there is money involved. Popular, Remember, there’s never been an empire without religion and never been politics without some religion! The crowd is just being used to, Trending, enhance Israel’s end game!
There's people out there trying to save the marriage between the Evangelics and Ziopigs - Yehuda Glick,


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