Revelations|Prophecy|End Times|Judgement|Disclosure|Divine[God]Blessing|Jesus & his horse|End Game

Published on Aug 20, 2021
#Moonanomalies #Theylive #Disclosure

Moon anomalies! you name it, I got it.

15 mins worth of Pareidolia (/ˌpæriˈdoʊliə/, US also /ˌpæraɪˈ-/) and Apophenia (/æpoʊˈfiːniə/) (umm, Ya Righttttt....)

Beware! The Trolls are Lurking.


T H E Y L I V E.

I decided to merge all footage into 1. Granted the youtube shorts have more explanation then this does because I tried to fit as much as I can in 15 minutes..


Youtube Shorts: Mū§ț Watch Videos:

Don't Worry. Don't be alarmed.. the world isn't gonna explode with all of us on it, the people in power are losing there grip on humanity, our so called creators the ones depicted on ancient cylinders or carvings on walls are not who we are led to believe. We have been manipulated throughout the ages idk how long exactly I've heard/read up to 300,000 years...(10 Pleiadean years which means even though 300,000 years have passed and seems like a long time, it isn't when in terms of the GCC.) What is happening is that we are entering a new era. One with light and love. Get ready to be woowoo'd.

As Above so Below.

The significance of the phrase is that it holds the key to all mysteries. “‘That which is above is the same as that which is below‘…Macrocosmos (as (Universe) above) is the same as microcosmos (so (Earth) below).

This is currently happening to our society..
The headbands are the cell phones.


Let me give you iodine as an example. We all need a certain amount of iodine in the body to maintain thyroid function. But if you have too much iodine, you'll get poisoned. You'll die. You'll get sick.

So what can you do? You can send a signal in that resonates the very same signal strength and frequency as iodine, you can send that signal in and the body will begin to react as if its gotten this massive load of iodine and show all the symptoms of iodine poisoning. You check the thyroid; check the blood, it's not there. Mystery illness. Something as simple as that for manipulating large populations, not necessarily with their consent and not necessarily with clear knowledge, and nothing shows up in the background that would say why this poison actually exists that would account for this.

A simple way. One of the other ways that this technology can be exploited is really quite simple. There was an article produced by "Parameters", which is a military publication. "Parameters". You can look it up.

It's the -- I believe it was the Fall 1998, but you can look up the article name called,

"The Mind has no Firewall".

It's a very important article. This article talked about all the various ways in which you could introduce mind effects or mind control technologies using modern technology today. And the original article was actually written in a military journal called "Orienteer" published in what is now Russia. What's interesting about this is it said you could use any electromagnetic carrier, whether it be radio, TV, the Internet, now cell phones; but, essentially, any of these carriers, you can modulate a signal on them that will manipulate behavior of segments of the population. And the Russians demonstrated this in a couple of different ways, they had folks that came in who were involved in the "Star Wars" initiative during the Reagan Administration that couldn't talk about what they did in the White House, but they could talk about what they observed in Russia.

And one of the things that they talked about was the idea that you could -- you could create, sort of, this white noise and on this white noise carry a signal. And so they put out this message, bring us cake.

And Russians at tea time, you know, they eat these little cakes? I guess you do that in other parts of Europe as well. And so at the appointed time they began to broadcast this. And workers from within that building and on the street were bringing cake into the meeting room without really knowing why they were doing it. They just felt like doing it.

Well, that was, in fact, what they were programmed to do. Now, this goes back. We're talking about 15- year-old technology. And when you think about sort of where did it go from there, in 2006, there were a couple contracts left by DARPA, which does research for the defense industry in the United States...

End Excerpt


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