Youtube NoX Regulator followers 0 Your Subscription Youtube NoX Regulator - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1312 days ago20:41 YTNOXREGULATOR has disliked a video Thousands of Afghans Headed to Texas Link to original video: #Texas #Afghanistan #MigrantCrisis ☕ BUY ME A COFFEE PLEASE (minor shilling, but hey this is work) ☕ *SUBSCRIBE TO OUR ODYSEE*$/invite/@ZionistReport:6 *SUBSCRIBE TO OUR BITCHUTE* 1312 days ago20:39 YTNOXREGULATOR has disliked a video Us & Them 1313 days ago18:16 YTNOXREGULATOR has liked a video Revelations|Prophecy|End Times|Judgement|Disclosure|Divine[God]Bles... #Moonanomalies #Theylive #Disclosure Moon anomalies! you name it, I got it. 15 mins worth of Pareidolia (/ËŒpæriˈdoÊŠliÉ™/, US also /ËŒpæraɪˈ-/) and Apophenia (/æpoʊˈfiËniÉ™/) (umm, Ya Righttttt....) Beware! The Trolls are Lurking. BEHIND YOU!!!!! T H E Y L I V E. ... 1313 days ago18:07 YTNOXREGULATOR has uploaded a video Revelations|Prophecy|End Times|Judgement|Disclosure|Divine[God]Bles... #Moonanomalies #Theylive #Disclosure Moon anomalies! you name it, I got it. 15 mins worth of Pareidolia (/ËŒpæriˈdoÊŠliÉ™/, US also /ËŒpæraɪˈ-/) and Apophenia (/æpoʊˈfiËniÉ™/) (umm, Ya Righttttt....) Beware! The Trolls are Lurking. BEHIND YOU!!!!! T H E Y L I V E. ... 1313 days ago18:00 YTNOXREGULATOR has uploaded a video Faithful and True" Explained (w/Commentary) Recording Date: September 29th 2020 10pm Orginal Date New Recording 11/12/2020 w/Voiceover New Recording with Voice over. (Commentary) I'm trying to help everyone see what I see. I hope this helps!!!! Psalm 23:1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his...