Preventable Birth Trauma For Mother & Baby - Author & Educator Jeanice Barcelo (Part 1 of 2)

Published on Nov 28, 2020
Preventable Birth Trauma For Mother & Baby - Author & Educator Jeanice Barcelo (Part 1 of 2) | Richard Sacks

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 10/11/20

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One of our listeners asked me to look into inviting Jeanice Barcelo to be a guest on Lost Arts Radio, and sent me a video by Jeanice that took me several weeks to get to ( When I finally did get to watch it, I knew we had to ask Jeanice to be on the show. Watching the video is an intense experience, and some people may find it too emotionally difficult to get through. But the video has so much important information that future parents and everyone who cares about kids and future generations have a chance to learn critical information that is hard to find anywhere else all in one place.

Previous Sunday show guests have exposed nefarious activities in hospitals across America that are going on every day, from euthanasia of elderly patients to vaccinating premature babies, knowing many will suffer serious injury or die. But Jeanice will be the first guest to lay out in detail what is being done routinely to mothers and their babies, before and after birth. Subjects like the use of ultrasound, drugs and vaccines given to mothers, clamping and cutting of the umbilical cord, depriving the baby of oxygen and vital nutrients, male genital mutilation, and much more will be discussed on the show.

Considering the state of medical and public health "education" that programs health professionals with all kinds of false and harmful information, it is up to parents and those who support them to guard their own health and that of their children from a system that has gone criminally insane. We'll be welcoming Jeanice this Sunday, and I hope you'll be there to learn from her presentation. Make sure to visit Jeanice's website ( and look for her books and video courses on the site or at Amazon.

For those of you who would like to support our work, help keep us on the air in the face of massive censorship, and help us fund the projects we have waiting in the wings, please visit our new Subscribe Star page and tell others. It can be found at

In addition to the Sunday shows and livestreams that introduce you to inspiring people and projects (, we are also entering our second year with Planetary Healing Club ( PHC is a private, members-only platform, a supportive and interactive environment where I can speak with you freely about information that would be censored on the usual public platforms where most of our audio and video presentations are found. PHC is for you, when you're ready to really get deeply into special self-healing protocols and start transforming your life for the better. I'm there live to meet and talk with you every week. It's interactive, with live chat and plenty of time for Q&A, comments and any input you want to contribute. It's a rare opportunity for those ready to experience a radically better quality of life, and willing to do the work on themselves to make it happen. Learn more about it at

Finally, don't forget our news show on national and world events, for one hour every week at 7:30pm EST / 4:30pm PST, called Lost Arts Radio Live ( It's where we look at some events of the past week, and what the significance is for your life and for the future of our world. After "Lost Arts Radio Live" is a half-hour break, followed by our weekly meeting of the Planetary Healing Club, which you can join for a minimum donation of just $25/month at Meet me there when you're ready to transform your experience of life for the better.

Richard Sacks, Host

#birthtrauma #parenting #lostartsradio

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