Jeanice Barcelo | The Dark Agenda Behind The Hospital Birth Protocols

Published on Nov 23, 2020
Join Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats as he talks about birth trauma, prenatal care, the dangers of ultrasounds and Pitocin with guest, Jeanice Barcelo.

Many of us are all too familiar with the cold, clinical process of childbirth, where pregnant mothers and their fetus' are subjected to endless tests, injections, and ultrasounds, all in the name of modern medicine.

And while these method of madness may be hailed within the scientific community, it is obvious our prenatal care and birthing process have mutated into an industry orchestrated to prey of the fear of new parents.

This cycle has evolved throughout the last century, from a natural, love-filled process, to one that is designed to deliberately genetically alter both mother and child, through psychological torture beginning from the moment of incarnation and resulting in both cascade of interventions during birth and lifelong effects on fertility.

Fortunately, today's guest, Jeanice Barcelo, joins The Higherside to shed some light on one of the darkest undercurrents of the conspirasea. As an author of books like, "Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine", Barcelo offers incredible insight into the physical, emotional and spiritual effects of each step in our prenatal care and the birthing process.

Become a Plus Member at to hear a second hour of all THC episodes. This week's included:
- cutting the cord, causing weak births, and raising some scary occult implications for giving away your baby's blood
- how much of the pain of childbirth is unavoidable vs how much is situational

- more on the creator and the spiritual implications

- the sexualization of children

- the dark ritual of circumcision, and the blood sucking by mouth tradition that still goes on today

- the vaccine and eye ointment components

- episiotomy

-the modern practice of making live from the eggs of dead women and the sperm of dead men

A few valuable resources from the interview:

Jeanice Barcelo "The Dark Side of Prenatal Ultrasound":
Jeanice Barcelo "What Happens In The Womb And During Early Years Affects The Baby For A Lifetime"':
Jeanice Barcelo "Vitamin K Shot After Birth Linked To Early Childhood Leukemia":
Jeanice Barcelo "Autism Rates In The U.S. Continue To Skykrocket- 1 in 68 Children Now Have Autism":
"Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring During Labor":
Jeanice Barcelo "Induction With Cytotec/ Misoprostol Is Killing Women And Babies":
Jeanice Barcelo "Pornography and the Deliberate Manipulation of Human Sexuality":
"Birth As We Know It":
Books by Susun Weed:

Want more Jeanice Barcelo?

Check out her website "Birth of A New Earth":
Check out her Youtube channels:
Or grab her book "Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine" on Amazon:

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