Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, Feb 2, 2025, Noem; Jews’ Multicult; Hitler Test; War onWhites; White Slavery; Zundel, Hoffman, TRIAL
Published on Feb 2, 2025
*** Barbara Jansen writes to Kristi Noem, Trump’s choice for Secretary of Homeland Security (Unedited)
Kristi, As a Christian for many years (60+) I cannot conceive that you have been guided to present an Antisemitism bill, describing everything we cannot say regarding the Israel/Jewish question. To say we are not allowed to question anything the Jews say is a false response to the supremacy we are experiencing in our country. My friend who is a Christian tried to run for office but immediately got excluded because the Jews that were on the committee surrounding her wouldn’t give her any votes. So what I am seeing is mass discrimination against Christians. To say we must allow the Jews to to run for office but immediately exclude her because the Jews that were surrounding her wouldn’t vote for her is to say we must allow the Jewish persuasion to dictate everything they do and say to not allow us to question their tactics. This is not a stand for justice. To say, we must continue to funding a war in the Middle East that will never be solved, and it will never be peace has absolutely nothing to do with the interest of the people in our country and meeting their needs. We cannot be the savior of the world. Actions like the ones you are taking regarding the antisemitism laws is another means to DISMANTLE our constitution and deprive our citizens of what the constitution stands for. There are already MANY LAWS in place against harm against others. Since when is taking a stand for a single group, something that everybody needs to participate in? Isn’t that discrimination against everybody else? Look, nobody is looking to harm the Jews. What we want to do is to take the immorality and injustice out of our system that was created legally by the ideology that many Jews hold. ITS A RELIGION, not a RACE, according to Jewish learning sites. What we need is more CHRISTIAN INFLUENCE. Is that antisemitism to you?? Were you aware that Jews have been expelled from 109 countries over a thousand times for their immorality, usury, and revolutionary spirit where they tried to take over every country? My recommendation is that you investigate the truth about history and be well informed before you take on a matter of deprivation of our citizens to express their concerns regarding those who have been given PRIORITY in matters of debate and exchange of INFORMATION. It is a fact that the majority of our politicians have been guided to support Israel and not take in consideration of United States needs. Regardless of all matters regarding the Jewish question is that the Jews are ALL united when it comes to INFLUENCING our country. Are you familiar with the Bolshevik Revolution where 100 million people died under the power of JEWISH POWER?? And if you haven’t woken up to the fact that they are controlling our country then you must be working for them. THEY HAVE MONEY TO PAY PEOPLE OFF. When we live in a world where nothing can be questioned, debated, or investigated, we are introducing our country to the past ideology of communism. I was born in a communist country. My grandfather was released from Dachau in 1946. We came to America because we wanted to get away from communism. So here you are with this antisemitism law where people are going to get thrown into prison because they have an opinion? Are you sure you are an American? Are you sure you’re not a spy for the communist? Who is paying you to represent THEM?? There was a time I used to think you were a good and righteous woman, and you understood the needs of the people, but this action you are taking clearly goes against what I believed earlier about you. I hope you take another stand and look at the righteous side of things and not those who are paying you off to do this horrible stuff to our people and taking away our rights and misguiding everyone. Nobody is better than anybody else and we certainly should not give the Jews more priority than the rest of the people here who are the majority of America so I wanna know where you stand on this and if we should continue to support someone like you. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
*** Multiculturalism for Us, NOT for the Jews, Feb 2, 2025 - https://old.bitchute.com/video/0w82n06Yqfj9/
*** The Hitler Test, Feb 2, 2025 - https://old.bitchute.com/video/udeZ2bmWMU6Q/
Our written CAN YOU PASS THE HITLER TEST - https://old.bitchute.com/video/wn5tLsV9DPCC/
*** Jim policing his BITCHUTE channel.
*** War on the Whites, Feb 1, 2025 - https://old.bitchute.com/video/FRWBO0Zclg4e/
*** History of White Slavery in America
*** Ernst Zundel Presents Michael A. Hoffman II - The Great Holocaust Trial (Circa 1990s), Feb 1, 2025