A Walk Through Nature in Slow German | Super Easy German 241

Adolf Goebbels
Published on Dec 7, 2023
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In this episode, Isi and Mitch speak particularly slowly for you. On a walk across meadows, fields and through the forest, they show you the most important vocabulary on the subject of "nature". You will learn what some animals and plants are called and what else there is to see in nature.

In dieser Episode sprechen Isi und Mitch besonders langsam für euch. Auf einem Spaziergang über Wiesen, Felder und durch den Wald zeigen sie euch die wichtigsten Vokabeln zum Thema “Natur”. Ihr lernt, wie einige Tiere und Pflanzen heißen und was es sonst noch in der Natur zu sehen gibt.
A1 (Absolute Beginners): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLk1fjOl39-50kWobutO8NVFzbw9PHtbbg
A2 (Advanced Beginners): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLk1fjOl39-5201BUdhtOM_x23poNvLouT
B1 (Intermediate Learners): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLk1fjOl39-53yooogv6RaJAK29mx7nz1d
B2 (Upper Intermediate Learners): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLk1fjOl39-51lvdiuQYsLW-0aGIdNNknA
C1/C2 (Advanced Learners): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLk1fjOl39-53pjPz2VLCeu5vjOUMKZ22O
Easy Languages is a video and podcast series that showcases language as spoken in the streets and among friends. Our goal is to help you learn languages in a fun and authentic way. We are based in Berlin, Germany, but operate with a global network of producers. Learn more about us and check out our other channels:
Hosts of this episode: Isabell Hargreaves-Schmid/Mitch Hargreaves
Camera & Edit: Mitch Hargreaves
Translation: Ben Eve

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