Watch again: Biden meets Chinese President Xi Jinping during APEC Summit

Adolf Goebbels
Published on Nov 15, 2023
Watch again as Joe Biden and Xi Jinping meet to discuss US-China relations in San Francisco on Wednesday, 15 November.

The US president and his Chinese counterpart will hold talks that may ease friction between the two countries over military conflicts, drug-trafficking and artificial intelligence.

Xi last visited the US in person in 2017.

Biden and Xi are expected to discuss Taiwan, the South China Sea, the Israel-Hamas war, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, North Korea, and human rights on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit.

Demonstrators for and against China's ruling Communist Party lined the route from the airport to the conference site.

"We're all expecting that this will be a productive discussion today, and hopefully, a precursor to much more communication and dialogue between our two teams going forward," White House spokesperson John Kirby said ahead of the meeting.

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