Targeted Individual Students Room gassed

Published on Jan 18, 2023
This is for education purpose for Targeted individuals.
Last year i used to get bad headaches and nausea and had tough time dealing with it with no knowledge i was gassed and poisoned everyday as they'd contaminate my clothes with that substance that was brought by perps from Haiti country where that drug knocks out a person unconscious for days.
Then as i joined the Targeted individuals group i learned about these sickening acts of those malicious perps and also learned ways to cope with it.
For example baking soda dissolved in water or salt dissolved in water can help you with that drugged sensation.
Please close any air entrance way to your room so that the perps do not penetrate the gas or agrotoxics inside your room. they do it in different forms, they throw ganolas, they spray it or just create a project through air ways that seeps inside through your window. they are wicked and evil and they know many ways to do it. also check internet/electricity cable pipelines and sink hole inside your room. Be safe and may none of your children go through what i am currently going through here in the university full of church fanatics attacking me for being a muslim for not becoming a member of their churches.


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