Quotes refuting Germ Theory
Published on Feb 16, 2021
VIDEO MIRRORED from an YT channel "Adrian".
Our Most High Creator designed the body perfectly. The body heals itself... stop toxifying it and it will cease to display signs (symptoms) of toxin elimination (sneezing, fevers, skin issues, etc.).
Germ (Virus) theory was adopted by the same grabbler ruling class that propped up big pharma. They push synthetic pharmaceutical chemicals (pharmakia...sorcery) and convince you that Creation is trying to kill you... in hopes that you depend on them for wellness and health.
Luciferian-gnostic alchemists are running the show. Pro-pagan ads (propaganda) on your vision screens.
Creationists (those who praise the Most High) vs. the architects (deniers of Most High... the builders, the masons, developers of their own existence, satanists, luciferians, worshipers of their own consciousness).
All Praises to the Most High, Ahayah Asher Ahayah (I Am That I Am)!
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