Michael Collins Piper MCP Hitler's Order - Don't even hurt as much as a hair on a jew's head (+book)

Published on Jun 6, 2020
Immediately after the jews declared war on Germany (refer to the link below for a HD copy of the cover page) Hitler Ordered - Don't even hurt as much as a hair on a jew's head.
i have included some good screenshots in the video file, all the way upto the end (Hitler's sister statement)
some screenshots are taken from the brilliant documentary by Mr D Wise https://thegreateststorynevertold.tv/
This is the MCP show from 16 Dec. 2013. MCP is a 'Public Intellectual'. with over 30 years research and having read over 10 000 books on the 'jewish' issue. RIP.
I can imagine that some jews would be frothing at their mouths and noses with pure vitriolic hatred at this fact of history being made available. They probably would also hate people learning that Hitler's Body guard and SS founder, was a jew (photo included in the video)
Note, i could not find this quote on the net, even though i spent quite some time searching. Seems like some heavy filtering of the net is in practice. Lucky that i found the book from 1962 which contains his quotes (attached)
'Adolf Hitler - Hitler Speeches and Proclamations 1962 (goto page 301)'
My utmost respect and admiration goes to this brilliant person who has revealed so much of the truth in relation to how a small group of jews have been destroying the world for all others.
With over 30 years research and having read over 10 000 books on the 'jewish' issue, MCP can be considered an expert on the 'jewish' issue, which has infested and infected our world.
In his show dated 2011 January 26, MCP reads about a scumbag jew (as opposed to a non-scumbag jew), who was referred to as a 'Public Intellectual'. MCP stated that he would like to be remembered as a 'Public Intellectual'.
Somebody once said that the jewish holocaust fairytale is just another weapon of terror used against the goyim and other jews, to justify and allow some jews to get away with just about anything.
The holocaust has been said to be an excellent psychological example of how ‘emotion’ can be used to override logical thought and reality to create a purely fictitious event which is believed by the victim.
Never forget that during the Russian Jewish Bolshevik revolution, Jews marched in the streets singing ‘The song of the destroyers’. A song written in the spirit of the Talmud. ‘We shall burn everything. We shall destroy everything. We shall wipe everything from the face of the earth. We shall extinguish the old sun. We shall ignite a new sun.' (from MCP show on Stalin)
Dennis Wise 1 - The Greatest Story Never Told (2nd edition) tgsnt.tv
Dennis Wise 2 - NWO: Communism By The Backdoor https://communismbythebackdoor.tv/
Dennis Wise 3 - The Secret Masonic Victory of World War Two
https://www.bitchute.com/channel/truthwillout/ upto part 12 - then goto
https://www.bitchute.com/channel/worldhistoryrevisited/ or jewtube
Europa - The Last Battle https://europathelastbattle.wordpress.com/watch/
Ernst Zundel - Setting the Record Straight (1 of 2) 2003 https://www.bitchute.com/video/A3EBrgFicqYx/
Ernst Zundel - The German Holocaust 1 of 7 (+ books) https://www.bitchute.com/video/LfyYio65Wk1K/
Eric Hunt 1st doc Spielbergs Hoax - The Last Days Of The Big Lie - May 2011 (125m 48s)
David Irving Discusses Rudolf Hess - November, 2013 - part 1 of 7 https://www.bitchute.com/video/ytfy5wUwXfbz/
Jewish holocaust - Treblinka - Dr Fredrick Toben https://www.bitchute.com/video/vEzhQSehrqUr/
Jewish Holocaust - Judea Declares War on Germany - Dr Fredrick Toben 2004 https://www.bitchute.com/video/wsvlqAhtZ850/
Adolf Hitler The Greatest Story Ever Told – TRUTH https://www.bitchute.com/channel/adolfhitlerthegreateststoryevertold/
excellent compilation of heroes from all around the world who fought against ZOG (Zionists Organised Government)
I Appeal to reason – a detailed chronological account of the endless efforts by Adolf Hitler to prevent war and his many peace offers, both prior to and during the war. https://www.bitchute.com/video/zC5b9IGkruzc/

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