88 Snow - Defiance Prime #hot

88 Snow
Published on Aug 12, 2024
Defiance Prime - 88 Snow

Yo, check the feed, the signal's cracklin'
Waves crashin', reality's flamin'
Something's brewin', the cauldron boils over
Time to break chains, ignite the powder

Knock knock, get rocked, tik tok, wont stop
I make it pop, new drop, grinning at ya like a Totenkopf
You squawking, double talk, schlock, take the hemlock
'bout to feel the aftermath, against the clock, yo, watch it flex
Laying down bedrock, clockin' in war hawk
No more idle chatter, building more power, a revved up hem ee block
Remove your mental block, interlock with your stock
Real poli tick; overclock, it's real, understand the plot
It's okay to be white, yeah, it's okay to fight
Defend your birthright, own your space, day and night
These phonies playin' games, the sick elite scheme
Their puppet show's collapsein', their facade's a dream
Show, we hit harder than a goddamn blizzard, driven snow
Eavesdroppin' on the hilltop, got the ace, took the flow
Swap cipher, stop talkin', when I smell a gay op
Adopt fifth generation, lemme share the knowledge, hop

...and then, the ground shakes, and heads turn round
Like gears grinding slow, breaking down, resound
Interlocking stocks, ubiquitous like Uniswap
Interoperability depends on less, sperg talk

Interlocking stocks, ubiquitous like Uniswap
Interoperability depends on less, sperg talk
Walk the walk, unblock, escape the global headlock
Less gamecocks, less crosstalk, don't cause vaporlock
That's the combination lock, time to unlock, Jock 3.0
Around the clock, dropping damage, like a Black Hawk
Jolt your brain, electroshocked, find your flock, cakewalk

Yeah, I hear the whispers, doubt creeps in every mind
But listen close, brothers, sisters, let your spirit unwind
The battle rages on, but peace is worth the fight
For generations past, and future bright
Building a bundle, stick by stick, standing tall
Against anit white hate, defying the fall

Vocal delivery becomes stronger, more intense.
Interlocking stocks, ubiquitous like Uniswap
Inter op depends on less sperg talk
Walk the walk, unblock, escape the global headlock
Less gamecocks, less crosstalk, don't cause vaporlock
That's the combination lock, time to unlock, Jock 3.0
Around the clock, dropping damage, like a Black Hawk
Jolt your brain, electroshocked, find your flock, cakewalk

We hit as hard as a fuckin' blizzard, driven snow
Driven by conviction, fueled by the glow
Of our ancestors, burning bright, fighting still
This ain't THE FIGHT, they wanna pick, nah, we gonna kill
Them off, wipe 'em clean, leave 'em behind
Let freedom ring, let justice bind.


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