Demon pigs at war with our future
Published on Dec 26, 2021
Provides insight into trade deals and policies that have made the lack of oppurtunity more viral then the media's hype on this BOGUS flu ..The cartoon part was plucked from a vid I found here on YOUTUBE called "THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF NAFTA" what I provided in this vid was just a tiny part of that very informative cartoon it's funny too. I might start making shorter vids on stories I think the public needs to know about. These 11 min vids take alot of time to pump out on a regular basis .. Right now there are too many new news stories that need to be brought forward to the short attention span public that the mainstream media isnt doing any heavy reporting on. I'd like to get out as much as I can because it looks like these social engineers have something planned around the FALL. I'm thinking they are thinking this FLU hype will be the excuse to start the engineered economic collapse. Nobody knows what they really have planned but the indicators are there. Exposing your suspicions of what may take place may just stop it from taking place. So, dont panic but remain vigilant is my best advice.
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