THE ISRAEL YOU DON'T KNOW: The Talmud and the Jews

Published on Jan 19, 2021
Credit: The Other Israel by Ted Pike
To my non-religious viewers please note: It is greatly unfortunate that Mr. Ted Pike (host) like many great men before him that attempted to tackle the “Jewish question/problem” had (at least) at the point of the creation of this video, yet to have learned the TRUTH about Christianity and the true origins of the LITERAL INTERPRETATION of the Bible. One cannot blame him, nor the many great men before him over the past couple thousand years for this position since the incontestable historical facts were largely brought to light by the hard and irrefutable work of the deceased but amazing Dorothy Milne Murdock, better known as Acharya S, in just the last couple decades. Her work can be found on and Thus I ask of you to not discount the other extremely valuable information brought forth herein, based on your position for/against the Christian religion which as you will learn if you have not already, is a merely a branch of Judaism that was created for the control of minds of the masses by the Piso-Flavian dynasty working in collaboration with Josephus and carried out and enforced by Constantine at the Council of Nicaea in 325AD which is when the name Jesus Christ first appeared in the historical record. I will be providing more research and evidence but please keep this in mind as you listen to/work through the material in this very important piece of documentation by Mr. Ted Pike.
If you want to learn more about the Jewish Talmud and see direct quotes and more information, please follow the links below to read my blogs on this matter where I get into far more detail than I'm permitted to with the limited characters here in the BitChute video description box:
But in case you don't know yet, here are a few quotes to help you understand the importance of the Talmud in Judaism to Jews all over the world:
- "The modern Jew is the product of the Talmud..." - "Babylonian Talmud", (Boston Talmud Society, p. XII)
- “If a non-Jew studies the Talmud, he is subject to the death penalty.” (Moses Maimonides, Mishneh Torah: Yad Hachzakah 10:9)
- “The teaching that Arabs are dogs is derived from the Talmud.” - Rabbi Meir Kahane (CBS 60 Minutes interview)
The Talmud is about the Torah (Bible Old Testament) in Judaism (this if for the apologists who will claim that Judaism is just the Old Testament and the Talmud is irrelevant to the religion):
What Does The Talmud Teach About The Importance Of Its Writings Compared To The Torah?
"Rava expounded another verse in similar fashion: What is the meaning of that which is written: “And more than these, my son, be careful: of making many books [sefarim] there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh” (Ecclesiastes 12:12)? My son, be careful to fulfill the words of the Sages [soferim] even more than the words of the Torah. For the words of the Torah include positive and negative commandments, and even with regard to the negative commandments, the violation of many of them is punishable only by lashes. Whereas with respect to the words of the Sages, anyone who transgresses the words of the Sages is liable to receive the death penalty, as it is stated: “And whoever breaches through a hedge, a snake shall bite him” (Ecclesiastes 10:8), taking hedges to refer metaphorically to decrees.


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