Chewy_boyzNchewdy_piez followers 21 Your Subscription Chewy_boyzNchewdy_piez - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1527 days ago02:23 Chewy_boyzNchewdy_piez has uploaded a video Eisenhower's Rhine Meadows DEATH Camps PLEASE READ my full blog post for more details and information: You want to know what else your Jew-written HIS-story books don’t teach you? How about the murder of 1.7 million Germans AFTER torture and forced “confessions†at the “Nuremberg Trialsâ€, AFTER the war ... 1527 days ago02:15 Chewy_boyzNchewdy_piez has uploaded a video The TRUTH About Dr. Josef Mengele Almost forgot this gem guys! Please enjoy! I put it this way, if Adolf Hitler is the most lied about person in all of human history (an he is so far as historical record is concerned) than Dr. Josef Mengele would be the second most lied about person in all of human history. Please watch this amazing in depth documentary by Aaron Kasparov exposi... 1527 days ago02:03 Chewy_boyzNchewdy_piez has uploaded a video Black Lives Matter - Who Benefits? 1527 days ago01:58 Chewy_boyzNchewdy_piez has uploaded a video THE ISRAEL YOU DON'T KNOW: The Talmud and the Jews Credit: The Other Israel by Ted Pike To my non-religious viewers please note: It is greatly unfortunate that Mr. Ted Pike (host) like many great men before him that attempted to tackle the “Jewish question/problem†had (at least) at the point of the creation of this video, yet to have learned the TRUTH about Christianity and the true origins... 1527 days ago01:56 Chewy_boyzNchewdy_piez has uploaded a video Dr. Tony Martin Exposes The Jewish Slave Trades of Africans Dr. Tony Martin was Emeritus Professor of Africana Studies at Wellesley College, Massachusetts, where he taught  from 1973 to 2007. Prior to coming to Wellesley, he taught at the University of Michigan-Flint, the Cipriani Labour College (Trinidad), and St. Mary's College (Trinidad). Professor Martin has authored, compiled or edited 14 book... 1527 days ago01:48 Chewy_boyzNchewdy_piez has uploaded a video Adolf Hitler the Man Who Fought the Bank Great Pro Hitler video! Epic Elite (on behalf of Ivan Torrent); Epic Elite (Music Publishing), Muserk Rights Management, and 5 Music Rights Societies Long after I loaded this video, I wanted a bit of inspiration on US Thanksgiving Day so I watched this again for the 10th time. Heil Hitler deva! See: 1527 days ago01:32 Chewy_boyzNchewdy_piez has uploaded a video ALL WARS ARE BANKERS WARS! "A general State education is a mere contrivance for moulding people to be exactly like one another; and as the mould in which it casts them is that which pleases the dominant power in the government, whether this be a monarch, an aristocracy, or a majority of the existing generation; in proportion as it is efficient and successful, it esta...