THE ARYAN RESURRECTION – The Greatest Day In The History Of Western Civilization

Published on Aug 19, 2020
The epic story of the messenger who came to fulfil an ancient prophecy and lead an Aryan revolution for the re-spiritualization of the entire human society. This unstoppable transcendental force will ultimately bring about a final solution to the problem of demonism in our world.
"All persons from every corner of the world to take up this cause of spiritual movement in a combined force and offer a challenge to the onward progressive march of the demoniac civilization eating the vital force of humanity."
His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
“I know that some Man capable of giving our problems a final solution must appear. I have sought such a man. I could nowhere discover him. And that is why I have set myself to do the preparatory work (die Vorarbeit); only the most urgent preparatory work, for I know that I am myself not, the one. And I know also what is missing in me (to be the one). But the other One still remains aloof, and nobody comes forward, and there is no more time to be lost.”
Adolf Hitler Hans Grimm in 1928

In the Bunker, shortly before his disappearance, an SS officer asked Hitler:
“Mein Fuhrer, for whom shall we fight now?”
Hitler responded: “For the man who will come.”
Miguel Serrano – Adolf Hitler The Ultimate Avatar

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