(December 3th, 2024) My Boss Love The Rising Sun

Published on Dec 20, 2024

(December 3th, 2024) My Boss Love The Rising Sun

(December 3th, 2024)
My Boss love the Sun so much and so happy burn by the Sun .

Also, Congratulations Charmaine Sheh to beat and won against Zhou Xun the china/chinese communist cast, And took the Award twice for Hong Kong people, Congratulations to Hong Kong people as well .



(Well, My Boss has already know what will happen next on china/Around the world during 2025, These Panda is innocent, They shall not clean by the huge Tornado on 2025, So my Boss trying to protect these Panda in Hong Kong, The Tornado is never joking around)

(If china or chinese communist subhuman people cannot afford to feed these Panda anymore, Maybe my Boss Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva will make his way to save these Panda, Before the huge Tornado clean that land, Damn these Panda are so lucky)

Well, Even we racist toward the communist/Semitic ethnic, But we never racist toward to Panda or animals,
And i just wanna say, Because we know, Many animals was more Noble than those subhuman, Even the Panda is more Noble than the fucking subhuman Nigger and shit skin indian(Dalit/Shudra)/Chinese/Jewish/Korean/British/U.S(Jew Ass)/French/Myanmar/Laos/Vietnam/Race mixed communist/Semitic ethnic etc etc "people" .
You know it when you're prefer to see those animals rather than these subhuman .

Panda never tell lies on you, Panda never say equality and they know who is their Boss .
Panda never rape your wife or daughter, Panda never do the russian(slavic)/chinese communist antifa bandit or nigger or shit skin indian that rob in the house to house or store .
Panda never sell drugs like freemason jewish/Tengu family semitic or capitalist or Nigger/Shit skin indian drugs runner around the world to poisoning your people .
When Panda step in your territory, They never say this is their land .
Panda love quiet, They never yelling on the street around or bullshit everywhere like communist antifa or semitic/shit skin ethnic people .
Plus, Panda was also the Vegan and also love the Rising Sun and Bamboo, And Panda love the be clean .
And Panda never hurt your people and your traditional, When Panda population grow .
When get close to Panda, Don't even say a word, It's already communication with you in heart .
Who is Noble? Who is subhuman, You are already know then .

How my Boss treating animals, You can compare to the subhuman chinese/chinese communist "people":



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