(December 13th, 2024) Nanjing Massacre memorial ceremony 87th Anniversary, Hate the Rising Sun, But ceremony under the Morning Rising Sun
Published on Dec 20, 2024
(December 13th, 2024)
Nanjing Massacre memorial ceremony 87th Anniversary, Hate the Rising Sun, But ceremony under the Morning Rising Sun .
What kind of logic of these communist/semitic subhuman?
Up coming 2025 will be far more than 300000 population, More Gift Coming, Stay tuned .
Nanjing, They don't like the Rising Sun,
So you know, Perhaps they should do it on the communist star/Abrahamic-Semitic star night time drakness time that without the Rising Sun,
Since this is so disrespect to their own people while you do this when the Sun is Rising up .
You know these fucking subhuman jewish/Tengu russian/Slavic U.S(Jew ass) british france or nigger/Shit skin etc do the same shit, And to demonize us,
Also you can see these communist with christian semitic cross on their Nanjing Massacre memorial ceremony .
These subhuman communist has already forgot they are just working class worker, Not army, They are just the slaves of this world .
These subhuman broke my father Buddhas statues, Jizo satues etc etc, And said Karl marx the Tengu grandmaster of freemason was the only supreme .
So we gonna show them all, Who run this 3 worlds .
Peace my ass!!!
Start from 2025, We will show them, What is an army, And what is endless war, Life after life after life!!!
Our coalition army will also come from different demensions to here to wipe them out on 2025,
You know these communist/semitic subhuman love to say they are outnumber than whom, So, Start from 2025, Our coalition army will show them, What is outnumber and what is population (Including the Deep Sea Ocean Army)!!!
And we will officially Wage War on them !!! This will completely different and new start war than World War 2!!!
More and more cruelty, But more effective!!!
So, Start from 2025, You all will see!
Far More than 300000 population will be wipeout!!!!!
None is victim, All is Deserved!!!!!
You don't see it, That because you don't know what they've did before!!!!!
Rage will never stop on these subhuman!!!!!!!!
Even after the communist/Semitic fall, Even long long time afer!!!
Our people also waiting and perpare to "serve" them in hell as well, So not only in here or Heavenly .
Also tell them, Hong Kong This Country, And Hong Kong people is protect by Jizo Bosatsu, It's also part of our coalition, Our coalition is follow the teaching of Jizo Bosatsu, We will use our all to protect Hong Kong and Hong Kong people!!!
So bring this message to those subhuman now!!!!!!!!
I should say this out on 2025 January 1st, But fucking never mind now, Since my Boss Koo Tornado has already mock on those Freemason/Semitic and Communist people, So we know what our coalition should do now and next .