(November 13th, 2023) Hiking Training and Meditation, It's been a while, Today selfie time, Great sunny day, Sun is rising, Ocean is calm, Day for me to Meditation .
Published on Nov 13, 2023
(November 13th, 2023)
Hiking Training and Meditation, It's been a while, Today selfie time, Great sunny day, Sun is rising, Ocean is calm, Day for me to Meditation .
Hiking alone is one of the problem that hard to take pics of my muscle body,
I was originally plan this day to have few half-naked pics like always after training .
Need a suitable point to place the camera, The tree is high, let alone the bamboo .
Especially on some islands or mountains or Jungle .
(Normally Akio and skinhead took the pics for me)
After hiking, Mountain shopping purchased some veggies for today vegan meal .
Now i'm heading back to cooking my Vegan meal,
Take a bath, Having my vegan meal,
Skinhead and Akio will probably called me to hot spring this day/night,
Or maybe sailing a while tomorrow morning for rituals etc etc .
Tenno Heika Banzai !!!
Heil Hitler !!!
And Heil your highness King of the Ocean Poseidon !!!
Heil to our coalition 卐
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