Published on Jan 13, 2025
Hey good people, just to let you know what has happened: Rohan has been in prison for the last 12 months, no hearing yet, we are being called terrorists. I have received the usual warnings from Google that the Justinian Deception channel is not acceptable for the "Youtube Society" The video: COVID-19-FOREIGN-MILITARY-OCCUPATION video was taken down by Google and Youtube. It may still be on Bitchute somewhere, I heard that some people have uploaded it to other platforms if you want to try and find it... The only reason given, to take the video down, was that it was not acceptable to "their" society. We are both still alive but the threats from CIB police and what they did to both Rohan and I have become a little too much, maybe because the grammar deception destroys their presumption of existence once the deception has been exposed.... The Queensland police threatened that my family will also be targeted if I didn't stop. (Mafia) I heard that Rohan was being medicated in prison in order to stop him from writing letters, he has been kidnapped unlawfully. there is no government, what exist is nothing more than a criminal mafia that uses terror and even death to control and plunder the public treasury. I have lost my nerve a little, seeing Rohan locked up like this with no hearing, no laws to protect us, and realizing that all these people in government doing this to their fellow countrymen, were supposed to be our brothers, look at how state police now act, they are like the gestapo and they will follow the orders of their criminal masters and kill their fellow citizens just like they did in WW2 .... NAZI mentality is everywhere. We are still alive, the last I heard from Rohan was him telling me that he was worried for his life and he may not make it out alive and I feel powerless because we have been disarmed as a nation, and now we are sitting ducks to a government that has been bought off with their Cayman Island bank accounts.... In 2016, I too went through a court case where the police tried to have me put in prison for 10 years on totally false charges, even the Magistrate could not back the police with such lies but the threat from Mcleish, head of CIB Queensland Police, said that once they get me in to the prison, I will never walk out alive... The police are not the real police, they are a NON ORGANIZATION, meaning, a non legal entity, being criminal! and they don't want the general public to wake up to this fact, even though, many are starting to see that covid is not a virus takeover, its a military takeover and a criminal one at that ...

Sorry for not putting another video out, I don't want to put Rohan in any harms way or upset the heads of police to a point where they will carry out their threats of killing him.

The next video I wanted to produce dealt with the entity: ANNUIT COEPTIS, the signs appearing on the US One Dollar Bill, the entity is registered on DUN & BRADSTREET, with the same street address as: CVS HEALTH, being what looks like the biggest BIG PHARMA company in the world listed on the USSEC and it appears that it has pages of subdivisions all over the world. The question I rais is: Is the UNITED STATES really a massive BIG PHARMA company and is it using the Medical Emergency Powers to override the Constitution of the United States of America? ... This could explain how the UNITED STATES Government has gotten away with this massive COVID fraud! and it may also be why the people of America may have to leave the UNITED STATES Citizenship and go back to the real America in order to re gain legal authority over the Pentagon !!! ... The UNITED STATES may be the British Admiralty, just like AUSTRALIA has become, being a subdivision of the UNITED STATES through the US SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION. At present, I have been a little worried for Rohan and my safety if I published any more of the research.

Rom, Romley Stewart...

Symbolic control, the symbols of the system... Schematic of Life...

For those that asked about the song:
Link to the song featured in the video: I write under the Kodey Woodlands, Link to Reverbnation: Song was recorded with the amps featured in this video.

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